Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
Westphalian Mare 3 years 16,1 hh in Dorsten
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Westfale, Dressurpferd, Youngster, Fünf Sterne Royal

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4227947
Online since: 26.09.2024
Ad views: 284
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~ $7.988 Negotiable
Hubert Winkel
46282 Dorsten Germany
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Further information

The origins of the Westphalian breeding lie in the founding of the state stud in Warendorf in 1826, the Breeders' Association itself was founded in 1904. By the end of the Second World War mainly heavier workhorses were bred there, which were used as carriage horses by farmers.Initially, a variety o ... More about the horse breed Westphalian
3 years
16,1 hh


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Name: Fanaloka
Rasse: Westfale
Alter: geb. 2021
Größe: 168 cm
Geschlecht: Stute
Abstammung: Fünf Sterne Royal von Fürst Romancier x Enzo Ferrari
Ausbildungsstand: angeritten

Wunderschöne Stute mit guten GGA , brav unter dem Reiter und im Umgang. Zur Zeit Barhufer , verträglich mit anderen Pferden

Alles weitere unter der Nummer 0176 62495567
This text has been translated automatically.
Name: Fanaloka
Breed: Westphalian
Age: born 2021
Height: 168 cm
Gender: mare
Pedigree: Five Star Royal by Fürst Romancier x Enzo Ferrari
Training level: broken in

Beautiful mare with good gaits, well-behaved under the rider and in handling. Currently barehoof, compatible with other horses

Everything else under the number 0176 62495567
This text has been translated automatically.
Nombre: Fanaloka
Raza: Westphalian
Edad: nacida en 2021
Altura: 168 cm
Sexo: yegua
Pedigrí: Five Star Royal por Fürst Romancier x Enzo Ferrari
Nivel de entrenamiento: domada

Hermosa yegua con buenos aires, bien educada bajo el jinete y en el manejo. Actualmente descalza, compatible con otros caballos

Todo lo demás bajo el número 0176 62495567
This text has been translated automatically.
Nome: Fanaloka
Razza: Westfalia
Età: nato nel 2021
Altezza: 168 cm
Sesso: cavalla
Pedigree: Five Star Royal da Fürst Romancier x Enzo Ferrari
Livello di addestramento: rodato

Bella cavalla con buone andature, ben educata sotto il cavaliere e nella gestione. Attualmente a pelo, compatibile con altri cavalli

Tutto il resto sotto il numero 0176 62495567


Hubert Winkel
46282 Dorsten
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Dressage horses
Driving horses
Leisure horses
Show jumpers
Breeding horses

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