Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
Westphalian Gelding 8 years 17,1 hh Brown in Röttingen
+2 Pictures

S- Seriensieger, Nachwuchs Grand Prix Pferd 8 jährig

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4231447
Online since: 29.09.2024
Ad views: 898
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from €100.000
~from $106.503
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97285 Röttingen
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Further information

The origins of the Westphalian breeding lie in the founding of the state stud in Warendorf in 1826, the Breeders' Association itself was founded in 1904. By the end of the Second World War mainly heavier workhorses were bred there, which were used as carriage horses by farmers.Initially, a variety o ... More about the horse breed Westphalian
8 years
17,1 hh
Training level: S* ~ 4th Level


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8 jähriger Wallach von Escolar, ca. 178cm, Seriensieger in S-Dressuren mit bis zu 73%, Dressurpferde S mit bis zu 77% gewonnen.  
Auf dem Weg zum Grand Prix. Einer geht er schon einige, gute Pi/ Pa Ansätze.
Bester Charakter, immer pro Reiter, will täglich alles richtig machen. 
Zuhause wie auf dem Turnier gleich zu reiten, gibt im Viereck immer alles, nicht kuckig oder sonst was. 
Korrektes, stabiles Fundament,  ganz normal beschlagen, hatte nie irgendwelche Probleme mit Lahmheit. Hat kleinen Ton der ihn aber nicht in seiner Leistung oder sonst wie behindert, sonst ist der TÜV gut, mit Rücken und Hals.
Videos laden leider aktuell nicht hoch, schicke ich aber gerne Via WhatsApp,  bzw viele bei Cmh online.
Bitte nur telefonisch melden unter 01797002982
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8-year-old gelding by Escolar, approx. 178cm, serial winner in advanced (S) level dressage competitions with up to 73%, dressage horse advanced (S) level won with up to 77%.  
On the way to Grand Prix. He already has some good pi/ pa approaches.
Best character, always pro rider, wants to do everything right every day.
Rides the same at home as at the show, always gives his all in the arena, not bucking or anything else.
Correct, stable foundation, shod normally, never had any problems with lameness. Has a small sound which does not hinder his performance or anything else, otherwise the TÜV is good, with back and neck.
Unfortunately videos are currently not uploading, but I am happy to send them via WhatsApp, or many at Cmh online.
Please only contact me by phone at 01797002982
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Castrone di 8 anni di Escolar, circa 178 cm, vincitore di serie in concorsi di dressage di livello avanzato (S) con un massimo del 73%, cavallo da dressage di livello avanzato (S) vinto con un massimo del 77%.  
In cammino verso il Gran Premio. Ha già alcuni buoni approcci di pi/pa.
Ha un carattere eccezionale, è sempre un cavaliere professionista, vuole fare tutto bene ogni giorno.
Cavalca allo stesso modo sia a casa che in fiera, dà sempre il massimo in arena, non si scompone o altro.
Base corretta e stabile, ferrato normalmente, non ha mai avuto problemi di zoppia. Ha un piccolo rumore che non ostacola le sue prestazioni o altro, per il resto il MOT è buono, con schiena e collo.
Purtroppo i video non sono attualmente caricati, ma sono felice di inviarli via WhatsApp, o molti su Cmh online.
Per favore contattatemi solo per telefono a 01797002982
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8-årig valack efter Escolar, ca 178 cm, seriesegrare i dressyrtävlingar på avancerad (S) nivå med upp till 73%, dressyrhäst på avancerad (S) nivå vunnen med upp till 77%.  
På väg mot Grand Prix. Han har redan några bra pi/pa-ansatser.
Bästa karaktär, alltid proffsig ryttare, vill göra allt rätt varje dag.
Rider likadant hemma som på tävling, ger alltid allt på arenan, varken bockar eller något annat.
Korrekt, stabil grund, normalt skodd, har aldrig haft några problem med hälta. Har ett litet ljud som inte hindrar hans prestation eller något annat, annars är MOT bra, med rygg och nacke.
Tyvärr laddas videor för närvarande inte upp, men jag skickar dem gärna via WhatsApp, eller många på Cmh online.
Vänligen kontakta mig bara via telefon på 01797002982




97285 Röttingen, Bayern


Private vendor
97285 Röttingen

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