Shetland Ponies Stallion 17 years Chestnut-Red in Murcia
2 Videos
+5 Pictures

Pony Welsh de salto

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4078205
Online since: 26.09.2024
Ad views: 2668
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 to €2.500
~ to $2.663
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Further information

The British Isles shelter various popular pony breeds that are known all over the world. The smallest of all pony breeds is the Shetland pony, which developed on the Shetland Islands, north-east of Scotland. Its small size is the result of hard and harsh living conditions over centuries. Howe ... More about the horse breed Shetland Ponies
17 years
Working Equitation


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This text has been translated automatically.
Preis Welsh-Springpony. Geboren in 2007.
Er hat einen sehr guten Charakter.
Er wird verkauft, weil meine Enkelin erwachsen geworden ist und ihn nicht mehr reitet.
Er befindet sich in Murcia, Spanien
This text has been translated automatically.
Price Welsh jumping pony. Born in 2007.
He has a very good character.
He is being sold because my granddaughter has grown up and is no longer riding him.
He is located in Murcia, Spain
Precio pony Welsh de salto. Nacido en 2007. 
Tiene un carácter muy bueno. 
Se vende porque mi nieta ha crecido y ya no lo está montando. 
Se encuentra en Murcia, España
This text has been translated automatically.
Price Welsh jumping pony. Né en 2007.
Il a un très bon caractère.
Il est vendu car ma petite-fille a grandi et ne le monte plus.
Il se trouve à Murcia, Espagne
This text has been translated automatically.
Prezzo Pony gallese da salto. Nato nel 2007.
Ha un ottimo carattere.
Viene venduto perché mia nipote è cresciuta e non lo monta più.
Si trova a Murcia, Spagna
This text has been translated automatically.
Prijs Welsh springpony. Geboren in 2007.
Hij heeft een zeer goed karakter.
Hij wordt verkocht omdat mijn kleindochter volwassen is geworden en hem niet meer rijdt.
Hij bevindt zich in Murcia, Spanje
This text has been translated automatically.
Pris Welsh hopponny. Född år 2007.
Han har en mycket bra karaktär.
Han säljs eftersom mitt barnbarn har vuxit upp och inte längre rider honom.
Han är belägen i Murcia, Spanien


30600 Murcia, Murcia


Eduardo Gil Torrano
3060 Archena

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