Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
Shetland Ponies Gelding 7 years 8,1 hh Pinto in Ursensollen
+1 Pictures

Super kinderfreundliches Shetty

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4165433
Online since: 07.08.2024
Ad views: 2366
Add to wish list: 68
~ $1.172 Negotiable
Johan Van de StreekSales yard
92289 Ursensollen Germany
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Further information

The British Isles shelter various popular pony breeds that are known all over the world. The smallest of all pony breeds is the Shetland pony, which developed on the Shetland Islands, north-east of Scotland. Its small size is the result of hard and harsh living conditions over centuries. Howe ... More about the horse breed Shetland Ponies
7 years
8,1 hh


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Unser kleiner Rambo ist 7 Jahre und 85 cm groß. Im Umgang ist er absolut, super kinderlieb…..
Kinder können ihn putzen, flechten, führen, reiten, bemalen…..
Er ist ein absolut tolles und zuverlässiges Shetty. 
Er besitzt einen Equidenpass, ist gechipt und entwurmt. TEL:0160/1884786 oder 09626/9299700
This text has been translated automatically.
Our little Rambo is 7 years old and 85 cm tall. He is absolutely, super child-friendly.....
Children can groom him, braid him, lead him, ride him, paint him.....
He is an absolutely great and reliable Shetty.
He has an equine passport, is chipped and wormed. TEL:0160/1884786 or 09626/9299700
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Notre petit Rambo a 7 ans et mesure 85 cm. Il est absolument, super gentil avec les enfants.....
Les enfants peuvent le brosser, le tresser, le guider, le monter, le peindre.....
C'est un shetty absolument génial et fiable.
Il possède un passeport équin, est pucé et vermifugé. TEL:0160/1884786 ou 09626/9299700
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Il nostro piccolo Rambo ha 7 anni ed è alto 85 cm. È assolutamente a misura di bambino.....
I bambini possono strigliarlo, intrecciarlo, condurlo, cavalcarlo, dipingerlo.....
È uno Shetty assolutamente fantastico e affidabile.
Ha il passaporto equino, è chippato e sverminato. TEL:0160/1884786 o 09626/9299700
This text has been translated automatically.
Onze kleine Rambo is 7 jaar oud en 85 cm groot. Hij is absoluut, super kindvriendelijk.....
Kinderen kunnen hem verzorgen, vlechten, leiden, berijden, schilderen.....
Hij is een absoluut geweldige en betrouwbare Shetty.
Hij heeft een paardenpaspoort, is gechipt en ontwormd. TEL:0160/1884786 of 09626/9299700


92289 Ursensollen, Bayern


Johan Van de Streek
Sales yard
92289 Ursensollen
Homepage: kristinaberner
Main focuses
Leisure horses

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92289 Ursensollen
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