Selle Français Gelding 9 years 16 hh Brown in Prémesques
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9 yo gelding - Perfect teacher

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4118163
Online since: 01.07.2024
Ad views: 3455
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~ $26.626
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Further information

The Selle Français is a very versatile and powerful French Warmblood breed. This horse breed has its origin when Arabs and English Thoroughbreds were used to finish the heavy Norman workhorses. In the postwar period also trotters were crossed in. The Selle Français is primarily bred for show ... More about the horse breed Selle Français
9 years
16 hh
Training level: 1.25m ~ Medium (4'1'')
Success: 1.25m ~ Medium (4'1'')
suitable as school horse/pony


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This text has been translated automatically.
Kondor ist ein Gelding für einen jungen Fahrer oder Amateur.
 Jumped 125 class and eventing. Sehr gutes Gehirn, einfach für ein Kind, guter Wechsel und perfektes Gehirn.
Good vet check
This text has been translated automatically.
Kondor is a gelding for a young rider or amateur.
 Jumped 125 class and eventing. Very good brain, easy for a children, good change and perfect brain.
Good vet check
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Kondor es un caballo castrado para un jinete joven o aficionado.
 Salto 125 clase y eventing. Muy buen cerebro, facil para los niños, buen cambio y cerebro perfecto.
Buen chequeo veterinario
Kondor is a  gelding for a young rider or amateur.
 Jumped 125 class and eventing. Very good brain, easy for a children, good change and perfect brain.
Good vet check
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Kondor è un castrone per un giovane cavaliere o un amatore.
 Ha saltato la classe 125 e gli eventi. Ottimo cervello, facile per i bambini, buon cambio e cervello perfetto.
Buon controllo veterinario
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Kondor to wałach dla młodego jeźdźca lub amatora.
 Skakał klasę 125 i zawody. Bardzo dobry mózg, łatwy dla dzieci, dobra zmiana i doskonały mózg.
Dobra kontrola weterynaryjna
This text has been translated automatically.
Kondor är en valack för en ung ryttare eller amatör.
 Hoppad 125 klass och fälttävlan. Mycket bra hjärna, lätt för barn, bra byte och perfekt hjärna.
Bra veterinärkontroll




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59840 Prémesques

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