PRE Stallion 8 years 17 hh Gray in Caravaca De La Cruz
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Se vende espectacular semental PRE

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4146207
Online since: 01.08.2024
Ad views: 2646
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~ $107
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30400 Caravaca de la cruz
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
8 years
17 hh
Training level: Nível 4 ~ 4th Level
Associacion Nacional De Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Espanola (ANCCE)


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Spektakulärer PRE-Hengst mit einem globalen genetischen Index für Dressur von 111,4, exzellente Bewegungen, Zuchtpferd mit sehr guter Abstammung, Lopez monis und granda interessanter Preis, Interessenten rufen 676505072.
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Spectacular PRE stallion with an overall genetic index for dressage of 111.4, excellent movements, horse for breeding with very good origins, Lopez monis and granda interesting price, interested call 676505072.
Espectacular semental PRE con índice genético global para doma clásica de 111,4, excelentes movimientos, caballo para hacer ganadería con muy buenos orígenes, López monis y granda precio interesante, interesados llamar al 676505072.
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Spectaculaire étalon PRE avec un index génétique global pour le dressage de 111,4, excellents mouvements, cheval pour l'élevage avec de très bonnes origines, Lopez monis et granda prix intéressant, intéressé appelez 676505072.
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Spettacolare stallone PRE con indice genetico globale per il dressage di 111,4, ottimi movimenti, cavallo da riproduzione con ottime origini, Lopez monis e granda prezzo interessante, interessati chiamare 676505072.
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Spectaculaire PRE hengst met een globale genetische index voor dressuur van 111,4, uitstekende bewegingen, paard voor de fokkerij met zeer goede afkomst, Lopez monis en granda interessante prijs, geïnteresseerd bel 676505072.
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Spektakularny ogier PRE z globalnym indeksem genetycznym do ujeżdżenia 111,4, doskonały ruch, koń do hodowli z bardzo dobrym pochodzeniem, Lopez monis i granda interesująca cena, zainteresowani dzwonić 676505072.
This text has been translated automatically.
Spektakulär PRE hingst med ett globalt genetiskt index för dressyr på 111,4, utmärkta rörelser, häst för avel med mycket bra ursprung, Lopez monis och granda intressant pris, intresserad ring 676505072.




Private vendor
30400 Caravaca de la cruz

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30400 Caravaca de la cruz
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