PRE Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Brown in Barcelona
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Wunderschöner PRE Wallach mit Lebenserfahrung

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4091855
Online since: 17.06.2024
Ad views: 2035
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€10.000 to €15.000
~$10.650 to $15.975
Ms. / Mrs. Bettina Bettina Lohde
calle Mar 2
17493 Pedret i Marzà Spain
+34 (0)67... View All
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
11 years
15,3 hh
Training level: L ~ 2nd Level
Working Equitation
Associacion Nacional De Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Espanola (ANCCE)
Reliable for trail riding
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Identity 1075 : Wunderschöner  barocker PRE-Wallach mit hervorragendem Charakter und viel Lebenserfahrung. Er ist sehr menschenbezogen, anhänglich, ruhig und furchtlos. Der PRE-Wallach ist 2013 geboren und hat eine Größe von 1,62 m. Er ist auf mittlerem Niveau ausgebildet und kann auch spanischen Schritt und Passage gehen.

Identity 1075 :  Beautiful baroque PRE gelding with an excellent character and a lot of life experience. He is very people-orientated, affectionate, calm and fearless. The PRE gelding was born in 2013 and is 1.62 metres tall. He is trained to an intermediate level and can also walk and passage in Spanish.
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Identity 1075 : Beautiful baroque PRE gelding with excellent character and lots of life experience. He is very people-oriented, affectionate, calm and fearless. The PRE gelding was born in 2013 and is 1.62 m tall. He is trained to medium level and can also walk and passage in Spanish.

Identity 1075 : Beautiful baroque PRE gelding with an excellent character and a lot of life experience. He is very people-orientated, affectionate, calm and fearless. The PRE gelding was born in 2013 and is 1.62 meters tall. He is trained to an intermediate level and can also walk and passage in Spanish.
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Identidad 1075 : Hermoso PRE castrado con un excelente carácter y mucha experiencia de vida. Está muy orientado a las personas, es cariñoso, tranquilo e intrépido. Este PRE castrado nació en 2013 y mide 1,62 metros. Está entrenado a un nivel intermedio y también puede caminar y pasar en español.

Identidad 1075 : Hermoso PRE castrado barroco con un excelente carácter y mucha experiencia de vida. Está muy orientado a las personas, es cariñoso, tranquilo e intrépido. Este PRE castrado nació en 2013 y mide 1,62 metros. Está entrenado a un nivel intermedio y también puede caminar y pasar en español.
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Identity 1075 : Magnifique hongre baroque PRE avec un excellent caractère et une grande expérience de la vie. Il est très proche de l'homme, affectueux, calme et intrépide. Le hongre PRE est né en 2013 et mesure 1,62 m. Il est formé à un niveau moyen et peut également faire du pas espagnol et du passage.

Identité 1075 : Bel étalon baroque PRE avec un excellent caractère et beaucoup d'expérience de vie. Il est très orienté vers les gens, affectueux, calme et sans peur. L'étalon PRE est né en 2013 et mesure 1,62 mètre. Il est entraîné à un niveau intermédiaire et peut également marcher et passer en espagnol.
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Identità 1075 : Bellissimo castrone barocco PRE con un carattere eccellente e molta esperienza di vita. È molto orientato alle persone, affettuoso, calmo e senza paura. Il castrone PRE è nato nel 2013 ed è alto 1,62 metri. È addestrato a un livello intermedio e sa anche camminare e passare in spagnolo.

Identità 1075: bellissimo castrone barocco PRE con un carattere eccellente e molta esperienza di vita. È molto attento alle persone, affettuoso, calmo e senza paura. Il castrone PRE è nato nel 2013 ed è alto 1,62 metri. È addestrato a un livello intermedio e sa anche camminare e passare in spagnolo.




Ms. / Mrs. Bettina Bettina Lohde
calle Mar 2
17493 Pedret i Marzà
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Homepage: bettinalohde

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Ms. / Mrs. Bettina Bettina Lohde
calle Mar 2
17493 Pedret i Marzà
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