Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok
Polish Warmblood Mare 16 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Białystok



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Sprzedam klacz sportowa

€5.000 to €10.000
~$5.325 to $10.650
Private vendor
15-579 Białystok
+48 (0)60... View All


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Further information

The Polish Warmblood better known as Wielkopolski is a multipurpose horse. It is not only suitable for riding, but also for harness and all types of sport competition. Breeding started in the 19th century by crosses of German halfbreds, especially Trakehners, and native mares. In addit ... More about the horse breed Polish Warmblood
16 years
16 hh
Training level: P ~ Elementary (3'9'')
Success: P ~ Elementary (3'9'')
Training level: N ~ 3rd Level

suitable for beginners

is broken-in

is lunged

is worked on the ground

Reliable for trail riding

is allrounder

is easy to load


Competition experience

Halter accustomed

Stands for the farrier

Equine Passport available


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  • English
This text has been translated automatically.
Ich verkaufe eine Stute

Stute läuft auf P-Niveau, kann Dressurelemente der Klasse P in der Dressur gehen.
Sie springt alles, was ihr in die Quere kommt, sie ist ein energisches Pferd geht vorwärts, aber weiß, wie man zu verlangsamen. Sie versucht immer, die Straße nicht zu berühren, immer auf der anderen Seite.
Gewinnt die meisten Wettbewerbe (ein Pferd zum Gewinnen).
Sie ist 16 Jahre alt (2009) und 165 am Widerrist
Sie hat mich an Starts herangeführt, von 80cm bis P (110-115)
Hat einen aktuellen TÜV vom April
Regelmäßig geimpft und entwurmt
Gut in der Bewegung, von dem Hengst QUATERBACK
Ein bisschen ängstlich, das stört nicht beim Reiten, wenn sie zeigt, dass es nichts Beängstigendes gibt, dann geht sie.
Problemlos im Transport

Woiwodschaft Podlaskie
Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich per Telefon oder SMS, OLX
This text has been translated automatically.
I'm selling a mare

The mare competes at P levels, she can do dressage elements she walked P class in dressage.
She will jump anything that gets in her way, she is an energetic horse goes forward, but knows how to slow down. She always tries not to touch the road, always on the other side.
She wins most competitions (a horse to win).
She is 16 years old (2009) and 165 at the withers
She introduced me to starts, from 80cm to P (110-115)
She has a current TUV from April
Regularly vaccinated and dewormed
Good in movement, by the stallion QUATERBACK
A little fearful, this does not interfere with riding as she will show that there is nothing scary she will go.
Trouble-free in transport

Podlaskie voivodeship
Please contact me by phone or SMS, OLX
Sprzedam klacz

Kobyła startuje na poziomy P, potrafi elementy ujezdzeniowe chodziła P klase w ujezdzeniu. 
Skoczy wszystko co stanie jej na drodze, jest energetycznym koniem idzie do przodu, ale umie zwolnić. Stara się zawsze nie dotknąć droga, zawsze po drugiej stronie.
Wygrywa większość zawodów (koń do wygrywania)
Ma 16 lat (2009) i 165 w kłębie 
Wprowadziła mnie w starty, od 80cm do P (110-115) 
Ma aktualny TUV z kwietnia 
Regularnie szczepiona i odrobaczana 
Dobra ruchowo, po ogierze QUATERBACK 
Troche strachliwa, nie przeszkadza to w jezdzie jak sie pokaże, że nie ma nic strasznego to pójdzie. 
Bezproblemowa w transporcie 

Woj. Podlaskie 
Proszę o kontakt telefoniczny albo SMS, OLX


Private vendor
15-579 Białystok

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Private vendor
15-579 Białystok

