Paint Horse Mare 2 years 15,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in TraunkirchenTraunkirchen
Paint Horse Mare 2 years 15,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in TraunkirchenTraunkirchen
Paint Horse Mare 2 years 15,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in TraunkirchenTraunkirchen
Paint Horse Mare 2 years 15,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in TraunkirchenTraunkirchen
Paint Horse Mare 2 years 15,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in TraunkirchenTraunkirchen



11 on wish list

Paint Horse Stute

~ $9.053
Private vendor
4814 Neukirchen
+43 (0)66... View All


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Further information

The horse breed called Paint Horse is represented by the 'American Paint Horse Association'(APHA) in Texas. However, it is basically not an autonomous breed, but rather spotted Quarter Horses. The reason for this is that the Paint Horse has the same pedigree and origin as the American Quarter ... More about the horse breed Paint Horse
2 years
15,1 hh
Western allround
American Paint Horse Verband


is allrounder

Halter accustomed

Equine Passport available


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Kitts sucht eine neue Aufgabe!
Sie ist 1,5 Jahre alt, absolut cool, dz noch roh, lebt artgerecht in einer Teenager Herde auf 1000 Metern Seehöhe, trittsicher, jeden Tag im Gelände unterwegs,
Kitty wird eher eine flotte Vorwärtsgeherin, steht im Blütertyp, nicht kopflos sondern schaut sich neue Ereignisse in Ruhe an,
Besichtigung gerne bei tel Terminvereinbarung 0664/9875221
Pferd steht in Oberösterreich
This text has been translated automatically.
Kitts is looking for a new job!
She is 1.5 years old, absolutely cool, still raw, lives in a teenager herd at 1000 meters above sea level, sure-footed, out and about every day,
Kitty will be more of a fast forward mover, stands in the blood type, not headless but looks at new events in peace,
Viewing by appointment 0664/9875221
Horse is located in Upper Austria
This text has been translated automatically.
¡Kitts busca un nuevo reto!
Ella es de 1,5 años de edad, absolutamente fresco, todavía en bruto, vive en un rebaño de adolescentes a 1000 metros sobre el nivel del mar, de pies seguros, fuera y alrededor de todos los días,
Kitty será más de un movimiento rápido hacia adelante, se encuentra en el tipo de sangre, no sin cabeza, pero mira a los nuevos acontecimientos con calma,
Ver por cita telefónica 0664/9875221
Caballo se encuentra en Alta Austria
This text has been translated automatically.
Kitts è alla ricerca di una nuova sfida!
Ha un anno e mezzo, è assolutamente fresca, ancora grezza, vive in un allevamento di adolescenti a 1000 metri di altitudine, ha un passo sicuro e va in giro tutti i giorni,
Kitty sarà più che altro una mossa veloce, sta nel tipo di sangue, non è acefala ma guarda ai nuovi eventi con calma,
Visione su appuntamento telefonico 0664/9875221
Il cavallo si trova in Alta Austria
This text has been translated automatically.
Kitts is op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging!
Ze is 1,5 jaar oud, absoluut cool, nog rauw, leeft in een tienerkudde op 1000 meter boven zeeniveau, zekervoetig, elke dag op pad,
Kitty zal meer een snelle beweger zijn, staat in de bloedgroep, niet koploos maar kijkt rustig naar nieuwe gebeurtenissen,
Bezichtiging op telefonische afspraak 0664/9875221
Paard staat in Opper-Oostenrijk


Kitts perfect Motega
Private vendor
4814 Neukirchen

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Private vendor
4814 Neukirchen

