Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
Paint Horse Mix Gelding 3 years 15,1 hh Pinto in Wiendorf
+8 Pictures

Traumpferd Paint - Quarter

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4167428
Online since: 08.08.2024
Ad views: 2419
Add to wish list: 48
~ $6.284
Andalusierhof Zeez
18258 Zeez Germany
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The horse breed called Paint Horse is represented by the 'American Paint Horse Association'(APHA) in Texas. However, it is basically not an autonomous breed, but rather spotted Quarter Horses. The reason for this is that the Paint Horse has the same pedigree and origin as the American Quarter ... More about the horse breed Paint Horse
3 years
15,1 hh
Western allround
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Directly from the breeder
No eczema


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Yakari entwickelt sich zu einem tollen Allrounder und Begleiter.... Die Bilder im See sind entstanden bei der 1. Hängerfahrt zum See und dem 1. Wasserkontakt...Er hat großes Vertrauen zum Menschen und in die Welt an sich, ist sehr verträglich mit anderen Pferden, neugierig, kontaktfreudig und neuen Situationen gegenüber aufgeschlossen..
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Yakari is developing into a great all-rounder and companion.... The pictures in the lake were taken during the first trailer ride to the lake and the first water contact...He has great trust in people and in the world itself, is very compatible with other horses, curious, sociable and open to new situations....
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Yakari est en train de devenir un formidable allrounder et compagnon.... Les photos dans le lac ont été prises lors du 1er voyage en remorque jusqu'au lac et du 1er contact avec l'eau...Il a une grande confiance en l'homme et dans le monde en soi, il est très sociable avec les autres chevaux, curieux, sociable et ouvert à de nouvelles situations...
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Yakari si sta trasformando in un grande tuttofare e compagno.... Le foto nel lago sono state scattate durante la prima gita in carrozza al lago e il primo contatto con l'acqua... Ha una grande fiducia negli esseri umani e nel mondo stesso, è molto compatibile con gli altri cavalli, curioso, socievole e aperto a nuove situazioni....


Andalusierhof Zeez
18258 Zeez

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