Oldenburg Stallion Foal (04/2024) 17 hh Smoky-Black in Zierenberg
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Sans Soucis von Secret Noir

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4123502
Online since: 22.08.2024
Ad views: 2208
Add to wish list: 13
€5.000 to €10.000
~$5.325 to $10.650
Private vendor
34289 Zierenberg
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Further information

The Oldenburg is a sport horse breed which has its origin in North Germany. Oldenburg have already achieved many international successes in show jumping, dressage and eventing. Originally the old typed Oldenburger were bred as heavy work horses, but in the 19th Century the demand for elegant but nev ... More about the horse breed Oldenburg
Foal (04/2024)
17 hh
Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. (OL)
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available


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Der Vater SECRET NOIR  stellte als Fohlen eine der Preisspitzen der Oldenburger Fohlen-auktion.
Secret Noir  war  zweiter Reserve Sieger der 11. OL Sattelkörungund konnte in 2022 die Veranlagungsprüfung mit der End Note 8,9 gewinnen.
Leistungsbereitschaft, Rittigkeit und Balance unter dem Sattel zeichnen ihn aus. Ehemals auf dem Westfalenhof stehend wird er jetzt unter Tara Reichert weiter gefördert.

Die Mutter JEAN FERAUD ( FIDERTANZ x Rubin Royal) hat bisher viele Prämienfohlen gebracht, die teilweise schon sehr erfolgreich im Sport gehen und sich durch ihre Richtigkeit und Arbeitseinstellung auszeichnen.

Der kleine Hengst Sans Souicis hat schon jetzt das kraftvolle maskuline Exterieur und drei gleichmäßig sehr gute Gangarten seines Vaters übernommen.

Er ist ein kompaktes, im Hengsttyp stehendes Fohlen mit einem sehr menschenbezogenen ruhigen Charakter. Er wächst zusammen mit weiteren Fohlen auf und kann ab November in ein neues zu Hause ziehen.

Sans Soucis kann jeder Zeit gerne besichtigt werden.
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As a foal, his sire SECRET NOIR was one of the top prices at the Oldenburg Foal Auction.
Secret Noir was second reserve winner of the 11th OL Saddle Licensing and won the predisposition test in 2022 with a final score of 8.9.
He is characterized by his willingness to perform, rideability and balance under saddle. Formerly at Westfalenhof, he is now being further developed under Tara Reichert.

His dam JEAN FERAUD (FIDERTANZ x Rubin Royal) has produced many premium foals to date, some of which have already been very successful in sport and are characterized by their correctness and working attitude.

The young stallion Sans Souicis has already inherited his sire's powerful masculine conformation and three consistently very good gaits.

He is a compact, stallion-type foal with a very people-oriented, calm character. He will grow up together with other foals and can move into a new home from November.

Sans Soucis can be viewed at any time.
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Come puledro, il suo sire SECRET NOIR è stato uno dei migliori prezzi all'Asta dei puledri Oldenburg.
Secret Noir è stato il secondo vincitore di riserva dell'11° OL Saddle Licensing e ha vinto la prova di predisposizione nel 2022 con un punteggio finale di 8,9.
Si distingue per la sua disponibilità alle prestazioni, la cavalcabilità e l'equilibrio sotto la sella. Precedentemente a Westfalenhof, è ora in fase di ulteriore sviluppo sotto la guida di Tara Reichert.

La sua fattrice JEAN FERAUD (FIDERTANZ x Rubin Royal) ha prodotto finora molti puledri di prima qualità, alcuni dei quali hanno già avuto grande successo nello sport e si distinguono per la loro correttezza e attitudine al lavoro.

Il giovane stallone Sans Souicis ha già ereditato la potente conformazione maschile del padre e tre andature sempre molto buone.

È un puledro compatto, di tipo stallone, con un carattere calmo e molto orientato alle persone. Crescerà insieme agli altri puledri e potrà trasferirsi in una nuova casa a partire da novembre.

Sans Soucis può essere visitato in qualsiasi momento.




34289 Zierenberg, Hessen


Private vendor
34289 Zierenberg

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