Oldenburg Mare 13 years 16 hh Gray in Kwidzyn

2 on wish list

Amazing mare,perfect for children's/juniors' categories, for sale

~ $44.731
Private vendor
82-500 Kwidzyn
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The Oldenburg is a sport horse breed which has its origin in North Germany. Oldenburg have already achieved many international successes in show jumping, dressage and eventing. Originally the old typed Oldenburger were bred as heavy work horses, but in the 19th Century the demand for elegant but nev ... More about the horse breed Oldenburg
13 years
16 hh
Training level: C ~ Advanced (4'7'')
Success: C ~ Advanced (4'7'')


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With a heavy heart, I am selling a fantastic mare, an experienced competition horse with a junior show record. Calandria is a 13-year-old mare with countless wins and safely completed courses ranging from L to C1 class. She is very well-schooled, familiar with movements such as shoulder-ins, traverses, and leg yields. It's also important to highlight that she is a very safe horse. Calm and easy to handle, even children can saddle her without any issues. She is the perfect horse for the Polish Children's Championships or the National Youth Olympics.

Some of her many achievements include:
- 2nd place 130/135 Baltica ZO* 2019
- 3rd place Bronze Tour PLJ 2020
- 2nd place 135 HZO* Dąbrówka Mała 2020
- 2nd place in the Qualifiers for the National Youth Olympics - style classes Jakubowice 2021
- 4th place in the junior category at the Silesian Championships KJ Preria 2022
- 8th place Elite Tour CSI** Wrocław 2022
- 2nd place 130 HZO Łąck 2023
- 1st place 130 Regional Competition Sopot 2023
- 1st place N1 ZO Dabrowka Mala 2023
Videos of the rides available upon request, price negotiable
Contact via phone Number :502 643 842
This text has been translated automatically.
Con el corazón encogido, estoy vendiendo una yegua fantástica, un caballo de competición con experiencia y un récord de exposición junior. Calandria es una yegua de 13 años de edad con innumerables victorias y con seguridad completado cursos que van desde L a C1 clase. Ella está muy bien educada, familiarizada con movimientos como shoulder-ins, traverses y leg yields. También es importante destacar que es un caballo muy seguro. Tranquilo y fácil de manejar, incluso los niños pueden ensillarlo sin problemas. Es el caballo perfecto para los Campeonatos Polacos Infantiles o las Olimpiadas Nacionales Juveniles.

Algunos de sus muchos logros son
- 2º puesto 130/135 Baltica ZO* 2019
- 3er puesto Bronze Tour PLJ 2020
- 2º puesto 135 HZO* Dąbrówka Mała 2020
- 2º puesto en la fase de clasificación para las Olimpiadas Nacionales de la Juventud - clases de estilo Jakubowice 2021
- 4º puesto en la categoría junior en los Campeonatos de Silesia KJ Preria 2022
- 8º puesto Elite Tour CSI** Wrocław 2022
- 2º puesto 130 HZO Łąck 2023
- 1er puesto 130 Concurso regional de Sopot 2023
- 1er puesto N1 ZO Dąbrówka Mała 2023
Videos de los paseos disponibles bajo petición, precio negociable
Contacto a través del número de teléfono :502 643 842
This text has been translated automatically.
A malincuore, sto vendendo una cavalla fantastica, un cavallo da competizione con esperienza e un curriculum da junior show. Calandria è una cavalla di 13 anni con innumerevoli vittorie e ha completato con sicurezza percorsi che vanno dalla classe L alla C1. È molto ben addestrata e conosce bene movimenti come l'entrata in spalla, la traversata e la resa delle gambe. È anche importante sottolineare che è un cavallo molto sicuro. Calma e facile da gestire, anche i bambini possono sellarla senza problemi. È il cavallo perfetto per i Campionati polacchi dei bambini o per le Olimpiadi nazionali della gioventù.

Tra i suoi numerosi successi ricordiamo:
- 2° posto 130/135 Baltica ZO* 2019
- 3° posto Bronze Tour PLJ 2020
- 2° posto 135 HZO* Dąbrówka Mała 2020
- 2° posto nelle qualificazioni per le Olimpiadi Nazionali Giovanili - classi di stile Jakubowice 2021
- 4° posto nella categoria juniores ai Campionati della Slesia KJ Preria 2022
- 8° posto Elite Tour CSI** Wrocław 2022
- 2° posto 130 HZO Łąck 2023
- 1° posto 130 Concorso regionale Sopot 2023
- 1° posto N1 ZO Dąbrówka Mała 2023
Video delle corse disponibili su richiesta, prezzo trattabile
Contatto telefonico :502 643 842
With a heavy heart, I am selling a fantastic mare, an experienced competition horse with a junior show record. Calandria is a 13-year-old mare with countless wins and safely completed courses ranging from L to C1 class. She is very well-schooled, familiar with movements such as shoulder-ins, travers, and leg yields. It's also important to highlight that she is a very safe horse. Calm and easy to handle, even children can saddle her without any issues. She is the perfect horse for the Polish Children's Championships or the National Youth Olympics.

Some of her many achievements include:
- 2nd place 130/135 Baltica ZO* 2019
- 3rd place Bronze Tour PLJ 2020
- 2nd place 135 HZO* Dąbrówka Mała 2020
- 2nd place in the Qualifiers for the National Youth Olympics – style classes Jakubowice 2021
- 4th place in the junior category at the Silesian Championships KJ Preria 2022
- 8th place Elite Tour CSI** Wrocław 2022
- 2nd place 130 HZO Łąck 2023
- 1st place 130 Regional Competition Sopot 2023
- 1st place N1 ZO Dąbrówka Mała 2023
Videos of the rides available upon request, price negotiable
Contact via phone Number :502 643 842




Private vendor
82-500 Kwidzyn

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Private vendor
82-500 Kwidzyn

