11 on wish list
Oldenburger Gelding by Calico perfect for amateur
~ $13.879
Ad ID: 4340650
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 21.01.2025
Ad views: 1261
Wish list
suitable for beginners
is broken-in
is allrounder
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Equine Passport available
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Schöner Oldenburger Wallach hat den besten Charakter. Er ist unglaublich nett und einfach zu handhaben und auch in der Manege zu reiten. Ruhig und vertrauenswürdig, toll im Gelände und kommt gut mit anderen Pferden aus. Perfektes Pferd für ein Kind oder einen Amateur. Automatischer Beinwechsel. Ausbildung Level 100 cm Saubere Röntgenbilder und bereit, im Wettbewerb zu leisten. Vater (Calico famous) wie auch Mutter haben Erfahrung im Springsport. Ausbildung im Springen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WHP1-StyzE Reiten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTcaHQXQpWo Freies Springen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv_39qjalOs
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Beautiful oldenburger gelding has the best character. He is unbelievable nice and easy to handle and also to ride in the ring. Calm and trustworthy, great on trails and gets along well with other horses. Perfect horse for a child or an amateur. Automatic legs changes. Training Level 100 cm Clean X-rays and ready to perform in competition. Father (Calico famous) like also mother experience in jumping competition. Jumping training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WHP1-StyzE Riding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTcaHQXQpWo Free jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv_39qjalOs
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Ce magnifique hongre oldenburger a le meilleur caractère. Il est incroyablement gentil et facile à manipuler et à monter en piste. Calme et digne de confiance, il est parfait sur les sentiers et s'entend bien avec les autres chevaux. Cheval parfait pour un enfant ou un amateur. Changement de jambes automatique. Niveau d'entraînement 100 cm Rayons X propres et prêt pour la compétition. Le père (Calico célèbre) comme la mère ont de l'expérience en compétition de saut d'obstacles. Entraînement au saut : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WHP1-StyzE Équitation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTcaHQXQpWo Sauts libres https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv_39qjalOs
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Il bellissimo castrone oldenburger ha il miglior carattere. È incredibilmente simpatico e facile da gestire e anche da cavalcare sul ring. Calmo e affidabile, ottimo sui sentieri e va d'accordo con gli altri cavalli. Un cavallo perfetto per un bambino o un amatore. Cambio automatico delle gambe. Livello di addestramento 100 cm Radiografie pulite e pronto per le competizioni. Il padre (Calico famoso) come anche la madre ha esperienza in gare di salto. Addestramento al salto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WHP1-StyzE Equitazione: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTcaHQXQpWo Salto libero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv_39qjalOs
Beautiful oldenburger gelding has the best character. He is unbelievable nice and easy to handle and also to ride in the ring. Calm and trustworthy, great on trails and gets along well with other horses. Perfect horse for a child or an amateur. Automatic legs changes. Training Level 100 cm Clean X-rays and ready to perform in competition. Father (Calico famous) like also mother experience in jumping competition. Jumping training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WHP1-StyzE Riding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTcaHQXQpWo Free jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv_39qjalOs

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