Mini Shetland Pony Mare 10 years Chestnut-Red in Bomlitz
Mini Shetland Pony Mare 10 years Chestnut-Red in Bomlitz
Mini Shetland Pony Mare 10 years Chestnut-Red in Bomlitz
Mini Shetland Pony Mare 10 years Chestnut-Red in Bomlitz
Mini Shetland Pony Mare 10 years Chestnut-Red in Bomlitz

Murmel - ein Herzenspony

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4063751
Online since: 20.06.2024
Ad views: 2166
Add to wish list: 18
~ $1.278 Negotiable
Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Alexandra von Samson-Sager
Am Böhmeufer 4
29699 Bomlitz
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The Mini Shetland pony is a breed of pony originating in the Shetland Isles. Mini Shetlands have heavy coats, short legs and are considered quite intelligent. They are a very strong breed of pony, used for riding and driving. They are also a popular pony for children. ... More about the horse breed Mini Shetland Pony
10 years
suitable as school horse/pony
suitable for therapeutic riding
suitable for beginners
Reliable for trail riding
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Wer ein 1000-Prozent liebes, geduldiges und artiges Pony sucht, ist bei Murmel genau richtig! Sie ist IMMER freundlich und erleichtert somit den Kindern den Einstieg in den Reitsport. Wir verkaufen Murmel nur, da sie für unsere Reitschüler doch etwas zu klein ist.
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If you are looking for a 1000 percent loving, patient and well-behaved pony, Murmel is the right choice! She is ALWAYS friendly and therefore makes it easier for children to start riding. We are only selling Murmel because she is a little too small for our riding students.
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Si buscas un poni cariñoso, paciente y educado al 1000 por cien, Murmel es la elección correcta. Ella es SIEMPRE amable y por lo tanto hace que sea más fácil para los niños a empezar a montar a caballo. Sólo vendemos a Murmel porque es un poco pequeña para nuestros alumnos de equitación.
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Jeśli szukasz stuprocentowo kochającego, cierpliwego i dobrze wychowanego kuca, Murmel jest właściwym wyborem! Jest ZAWSZE przyjazna i dlatego ułatwia dzieciom rozpoczęcie jazdy konnej. Sprzedajemy Murmela tylko dlatego, że jest trochę za mały dla naszych uczniów jazdy konnej.


Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Alexandra von Samson-Sager
Am Böhmeufer 4
29699 Bomlitz

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Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Alexandra von Samson-Sager
Am Böhmeufer 4
29699 Bomlitz
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