Mecklenburg Warmblood Mare 4 years 16 hh Chestnut-Red in Mirow

32 on wish list

Mecklenburger Fuchsstute mit Zuchtbescheinigung

~ $5.325
Private vendor
17252 Mirow


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Further information

The Mecklenburger is a warmblood horse breed that first was bred in 1812 at the state stud of Redefin in the Mecklenburg-West Pomerania region of north-eastern Germany. It is a cross between rural stallions and mares. The breed was created after the formation of the stud Neustadt Dosse at the ... More about the horse breed Mecklenburg Warmblood
4 years
16 hh
Verband der Pferdezüchter Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.

is registered broodmare

is lunged

is easy to load

Halter accustomed

Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available

No eczema

for loan


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  • English
Briana ist eine hübsche Fuchsstute mit einem Stockmaß von 1,65m. Sie kennt es geputzt, geführt und longiert zu werden.  
Sie ist brav beim Hufschmied, ist an Menschen und Landmaschinen gewöhnt,  zeigt sich neugierig und aufgeschlossen. 
Sie bietet eine tolle Basis für die weitere Ausbildung,  ob in der Freizeit oder für den Sport.
This text has been translated automatically.
Briana is a pretty chestnut mare with a height of 1.65m. She knows how to be groomed, led and lunged.  
She is well-behaved at the farrier, is used to people and agricultural machinery and is curious and open-minded.
She offers a great basis for further training, whether for leisure or sport.
This text has been translated automatically.
Briana è una bella cavalla castana di 1,65 metri di altezza. Sa essere strigliata, condotta e affondata.  
Si comporta bene con il maniscalco, è abituata alle persone e alle macchine agricole ed è curiosa e aperta.
Offre un'ottima base per un ulteriore addestramento, sia per il tempo libero che per lo sport.
This text has been translated automatically.
Briana is een mooie vosmerrie met een stokmaat van 1,65 meter. Ze weet hoe ze verzorgd, geleid en gelongeerd moet worden.  
Ze is braaf bij de hoefsmid, is gewend aan mensen en landbouwmachines en is nieuwsgierig en onbevangen.
Ze biedt een geweldige basis voor verdere training, of het nu voor recreatie of sport is.
This text has been translated automatically.
Briana to ładna kasztanowata klacz o wzroście 1,65 metra. Umie być pielęgnowana, prowadzona i lonżowana.  
Dobrze zachowuje się u kowala, jest przyzwyczajona do ludzi i maszyn rolniczych, jest ciekawska i otwarta.
Stanowi świetną podstawę do dalszego treningu, zarówno rekreacyjnego, jak i sportowego.


Private vendor
17252 Mirow

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Private vendor
17252 Mirow

