Lusitano Stallion Palomino in Neerloon

23 on wish list

Approved Lusitano stallion available for breeding

~ $1.012 (Stud Fee)
Private vendor
5356NC Neerloon
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Further information

The Lusitano is a horse breed from Portugal and has been called Portugal's Andalusian as the breed is based on Andalusian blood, which perhaps was refined with some Arabian blood. As well as the Andalusian the Lusitano belongs to the baroque horses. Lusitanos are often used in Portugal as bul ... More about the horse breed Lusitano

Approved Lusitano stallion available for breeding

15 years
16 hh
Training level: Z ~ 3rd Level
Working Equitation
Associacao Portuguesa De Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano (APSL)

Licensed stallion

is allrounder

Frozen Semen


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This text has been translated automatically.
Fidelio RS ist ein von der APSL gekörter Palomino-Lusitano-Hengst.
Seine Farbe ist sehr selten, es ist Palomino mit Perlmutt.

Auf Bild 5 sehen Sie seinen Sohn Raio de Sol. Er ist fuchsfarben mit Pearl gen, Champion der Fohlen und Gewinner einer goldenen Medaille in Holland 2021.
Seine Nachkommen haben alle besondere Farben, Palomino, Buckskin, Chetsnut mit Perle.

Fidelio hat einen sehr lockeren Charakter und ist fanatisch beim Reiten. Er ist 1,65 m groß.

Er ist als Froschensperma für Europa verfügbar.
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Fidelio RS is a Palomino Lusitano stallion approved by APSL.
His color is very rare, it´s Palomino with pearl gen.

On picture 5 you see his son Raio de Sol. He is chestnut with Pearl gen, champion of the foals and winner of a golden medal in Holland 2021.
His offspring all have special colors, Palomino, Buckskin, Chetsnut with pearl.

Fidelio has a very easy character and fanatic during riding. He is 1.65 m Tall.

He is available in semen for Europe.
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Fidelio RS es un semental Palomino Lusitano aprobado por APSL.
Su color es muy raro, es Palomino con gen perlado.

En la foto 5 se ve su hijo Raio de Sol. Es castaño con gen perla, campeón de los potros y ganador de una medalla de oro en Holanda 2021.
Todos sus hijos tienen colores especiales, Palomino, Buckskin, Chetsnut con perla.

Fidelio tiene un carácter muy fácil y fanático durante la monta. Mide 1,65 m de altura.

Esta disponible en semen frosen para Europa.
Fidelio RS is a Palomino Lusitano stallion approved by APSL. 
His color is very rare, it´s Palomino with pearl gen. 

On picture 5 you see his son Raio de Sol. He is chestnut with Pearl gen, champion of the foals and winner of a golden medal in Holland 2021.
His offspring all have special colors, Palomino, Buckskin, Chetsnut with pearl.

Fidelio has a very easy character and fanatic during riding. He is 1.65 m Tall.

He is available in frosen semen for Europe.
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Fidelio RS jest ogierem Palomino Lusitano zatwierdzonym przez APSL.
Jego umaszczenie jest bardzo rzadkie, to palomino z perłowym genem.

Na zdjęciu 5 widać jego syna Raio de Sol. Jest kasztanem z genem Pearl, czempionem źrebiąt i zdobywcą złotego medalu w Holandii 2021.
Jego potomstwo ma wyjątkowe umaszczenie: palomino, buckskin, kasztan z perłą.

Fidelio ma bardzo łatwy charakter i jest fanatykiem jazdy konnej. Ma 1,65 m wzrostu.

Jest dostępny w nasieniu frosen dla Europy.




Private vendor
5356NC Neerloon

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Private vendor
5356NC Neerloon

