
super prospect from viva gold

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4132038
Online since: 24.08.2024
Ad views: 2361
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€5.000 to €10.000
~$5.325 to $10.650
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KWPN is an abbreviation for the studbook of the Dutch Warmblood: "Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland". The dam line of this breed originates from the domestic, heavy breeds Gelderland and Groningen horse. The home-grown mares have been crossbred with stallions from other warmblood breed ... More about the horse breed KWPN
1 year
16,3 hh
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland


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This text has been translated automatically.
Mit einer außergewöhnlichen Front wird dieses erstaunliche Fohlen von Viva Gold x Indian Rock ein umwerfendes Pferd sein.

Nicht nur das Aussehen, sondern auch die Gangarten sind extra
 Alles, was Sie brauchen, um in der Zukunft zu glänzen

Die Nachzucht von Viva Gold in Kombination mit dem Olympiahengst Indian Rock sieht sehr vielversprechend aus

Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich auf WhatsApp für weitere Informationen 31629333136
This text has been translated automatically.
With an extraordinary front this amazing foal from Viva Gold x Indian Rock is going to be a stunning horse.

Not only the looks but also the gaits are extra.
 All that you need to shine in the future

The offspring from viva gold combined with the Olympic stallion indian rock looks very promising

please contact me on WhatsApp for further information +31629333136
This text has been translated automatically.
Con una fronte straordinaria, questo puledro straordinario, nato da Viva Gold x Indian Rock, sarà un cavallo straordinario.

Non solo l'aspetto, ma anche le andature sono straordinarie.
 Tutto ciò che serve per brillare in futuro

La progenie di Viva Gold combinata con lo stallone olimpico Indian Rock promette molto bene.

contattatemi su WhatsApp per ulteriori informazioni 31629333136
With an extraordinary front this amazing 1 year old mare  from Viva Gold is going to be a stunning horse.

Not only the looks but also the gaits are extra 
 All that you need to shine in the future 

The offspring from viva gold are  very promising 

please contact me on WhatsApp for further information +31629333136




6659KK Wamel, Gelderland


Private vendor

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