KWPN Mare 1 year Chestnut-Red in Lith
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Dressuurtalent van Extreme US!

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4101196
Online since: 13.08.2024
Ad views: 1446
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€5.000 to €10.000
~$5.325 to $10.650
5752SC Deurne Netherlands
Person in charge:
H. van de Weerdt
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Further information

KWPN is an abbreviation for the studbook of the Dutch Warmblood: "Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland". The dam line of this breed originates from the domestic, heavy breeds Gelderland and Groningen horse. The home-grown mares have been crossbred with stallions from other warmblood breed ... More about the horse breed KWPN
1 year
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available


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Beim Kauf dieses Jährlings zahlen Sie keine Provision!

Extremes Dressurtalent von Extreme US!

Tessada ist ein Jährling mit reichlich Größe, der schön im Dressurmodell steht und viel Vorwärts macht. Sie hat drei hervorragende Grundgangarten. Ein Zukunftsversprechen für Sport und Zucht!

Im Stutenstamm finden wir unter anderem den sehr bewegungsstarken 2. Sichtungshengst Reveaux (v. Bordeaux), das Small Tour Pferd Kirencio RFS (v. Florencio I) und das Grand Prix Pferd Kupido (v. Cupido) - Linde Hofs (NED).

NB: Die angegebene Höhe ist eine Schätzung der endgültigen Höhe.

Mutter ist die junge Ster-Stute Odessada (v. Ferguson). Tessada ist ihr erster Nachkomme.

Großmutter ist die Elite-, EPTM-drs- und PROK-geprüfte Stute Hassada (v. Apache). Neben Odessada brachte sie den bewegungsstarken KWPN 2nd viewing Hengst Reveaux (v. Bordeaux).

Urgroßmutter ist die Elite-, EPTM-drs. und PROK-geprüfte Stute Dessada (v. Jazz).

Vater ist der KWPN-Performance-Champion 2022 und der PAVO-Cup- und Hengstwettbewerbssieger 2023 Extreme U.S. (v. Escamillo).
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When you purchase this yearling you pay no commission!

Extreme dressage talent from Extreme US!

Tessada is a yearling with ample size, who stands nicely in the dressage model and makes a lot of front. She has three excellent gaits. A promise for the future for sport and breeding!

In the mare line we find, among others, the very strong moving 2nd round stallion Reveaux (by Bordeaux), the Small Tour horse Kirencio RFS (by Florencio I) and the Grand Prix horse Kupido (by Cupido) - Linde Hofs (NED).

Note: The indicated height is an estimate of the final height.

Mother is the young Ster mare Odessada (by Ferguson). Tessada is her first offspring.

Grandmother is the Elite, EPTM-drs and PROK approved mare Hassada (by Apache). She produced, besides Odessada, the strong moving KWPN 2nd viewing stallion Reveaux (by Bordeaux).

Great-grandmother is the Elite, EPTM-drs. and PROK approved mare Dessada (by Jazz).

Sire is the 2022 KWPN performance champion and the 2023 PAVO cup and stallion competition winner Extreme U.S. (by Escamillo).
Bij aanschaf van deze jaarling betaald u geen commissie!

Extreem dressuurtalent van Extreme US!

Tessada is een jaarling met ruim voldoende maat, die mooi in het dressuurmodel staat en veel front maakt. Ze beschikt over drie uitmuntende gangen. Een belofte voor de toekomst voor sport en fokkerij!

In de merrielijn vinden we o.a. de zeer sterk bewegende 2e bezichtigingshengst Reveaux (v. Bordeaux), het Lichte Tour paard Kirencio RFS (v. Florencio I) en het Grand Prix paard Kupido (v. Cupido)  – Linde Hofs (NED).

NB: De aangegeven stokmaat is een schatting van de eind stokmaat.

Moeder is de jonge Ster merrie Odessada (v. Ferguson). Tessada is haar eerste nakomeling.

Grootmoeder is de Elite, EPTM-drs en PROK gekeurde merrie Hassada (v. Apache). Zij bracht naast Odessada de sterk bewegende KWPN 2e bezichtigingshengst Reveaux (v. Bordeaux).

Overgrootmoeder is de Elite, EPTM-drs. en PROK gekeurde merrie Dessada (v. Jazz).

Vader is de KWPN verrichtingskampioen 2022 en de PAVO-cup en hengstencompetitie winnaar 2023 Extreme U.S. (v. Escamillo).




5397LA Lith


5752SC Deurne
Person in charge
H. van de Weerdt
Homepage: foalforsale-com

Further information

Foalforsale.com provides comprehensive support services for the global purchase of your foal, brood mare, or young horse. For breeders in the Netherlands, Belgium, and German breeders located near the Dutch border, we offer professional photo, video, and advertising services through our website www.veulentekoop.nl.

Our unique services are backed by extensive experience in equestrian sports, equestrianism, our own breeding programs, and many years of marketing and commercial expertise. Coupled with our proficiency in professional video production, we deliver unmatched quality.

Our international connections and various online channels ensure that your horses receive worldwide attention. Additionally, we offer advice to both sellers and buyers when needed, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved.

At Foalforsale.com, you purchase foals directly from the breeder, ensuring that you do not pay any commission fees. We are available to assist you throughout the entire process, offering support with language barriers, find transportation, finding a vet for the veterinary inspection, locating a place to rear your foal or help with making a purchase agreement.

For more information, please give us a call. We are happy to help!

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5752SC Deurne
Person in charge
H. van de Weerdt
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