Kladruby Gelding 9 years 17 hh Black in Steinsoultz
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Imposanter, braver Kladruber Wallach

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4208439
Online since: 09.09.2024
Ad views: 532
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~ $10.650 Negotiable
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68640 Steinsoultz
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Further information

The Kladruby has its origin in the Czech Republic. The stud Kladruby, where this breed has been developed, was founded in 1579 and is one of the oldest studs worldwide. In the past it was used as a majestic ceremonial carriage horse in Vienna. White and black are the two color varieties the K ... More about the horse breed Kladruby
9 years
17 hh
is lunged
Reliable for trail riding
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier


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Dieser stattliche, brave Rappe überzeugt nicht nur durch seine imposante Erscheinung, sondern auch durch seinen ausgeglichenen Charakter. Er steht im Aktivstall, geht brav ins Gelände und wird aktuell bei uns eingefahren. Ideal für Reiter, die ein verlässliches, edles Freizeitpferd suchen.

Bei Interesse oder für weitere Informationen freuen wir uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Wir sprechen Deutsch.
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This handsome, well-behaved black horse not only impresses with his imposing appearance, but also with his balanced character. He is stabled in an active stable, goes well in the field and is currently being broken in with us. Ideal for riders looking for a reliable, noble leisure horse.

If you are interested or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We speak German.
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Questo bel cavallo nero, ben educato, non solo colpisce per il suo aspetto imponente, ma anche per il suo carattere equilibrato. È scuderizzato in una scuderia attiva, va bene sul campo ed è attualmente in fase di addestramento presso di noi. Ideale per i cavalieri che cercano un cavallo affidabile e nobile per il tempo libero.

Se siete interessati o desiderate ulteriori informazioni, non esitate a contattarci.
Parliamo tedesco.


Private vendor
68640 Steinsoultz

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Private vendor
68640 Steinsoultz
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