Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 16 hh Bay-Dark in Kämpfelbach
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Irische Stute für den gehobenen Freizeitreiter, 2017*, 1,65m

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4222844
Online since: 22.09.2024
Ad views: 1677
Add to wish list: 55
~ $5.858 Negotiable
Private vendor
75236 Kämpfelbach
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Further information

The Irish Thoroughbred evolved from the English Thoroughbred, which is retraceable to the 15th century. Especially after the export of English Thoroughbreds to the United States gained in importance, the breeding of Thoroughbreds in Ireland got evermore popular. For that purpose native horses were g ... More about the horse breed Irish Thoroughbred
7 years
16 hh
suitable as school horse/pony
suitable for therapeutic riding
suitable for beginners
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is easy to load
Competition experience
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Schweren Herzens trennen wir uns von O Blanca. Sie ist ein voll im Typ stehendes irisches Vollblut, 2017*. 
Sie zeigt sich bei uns im Schulbetrieb sowohl kinderlieb im Reiten und Voltigieren, als auch sehr lernwillig. 
Leider zeigte sich schnell, dass das Voltigieren aufgrund von ihrem Vollblut Körperbau nicht das optimale für sie ist. 
O Blanca ist unverbraucht und lernte bei uns die Basics in der Reitbahn, währenddessen sie sich immer brav, auch von Anfängern Händeln ließ. 
Außerdem geht sie brav allein und in der Gruppe ins Gelände, eignet sich daher für den gehobenen Freizeitreiter. 
AKU vom 04/2024 ohne Befunde vorhanden. 

Bei Interesse können Sie sich gerne per Whatsapp oder telefonisch unter der +49 174 5702851 melden.
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It is with a heavy heart that we are parting with O Blanca. She is a full type Irish thoroughbred, 2017*.
She shows herself to be very fond of children in riding and vaulting, as well as very willing to learn.
Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that vaulting was not the best thing for her due to her thoroughbred physique.
O Blanca is unspent and learned the basics in the riding arena with us, during which time she always let herself be handled well, even by beginners.
She is also good on her own and in a group in the field and is therefore suitable for the advanced leisure rider.
AKU from 04/2024 without findings available.

If you are interested, you are welcome to contact us via Whatsapp or by phone at +49 174 5702851.
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È con grande dispiacere che ci separiamo da O Blanca. È una purosangue irlandese di tipo completo, 2017*.
Si è dimostrata affezionata ai bambini nell'equitazione e nel volteggio, oltre a essere molto disponibile a imparare.
Purtroppo, è apparso subito evidente che il volteggio non era la cosa migliore per lei a causa del suo fisico da purosangue.
O Blanca non è spenta e ha imparato le basi nell'arena di equitazione con noi, mentre è sempre stata disposta a farsi gestire, anche dai principianti.
È brava anche da sola e in gruppo sul campo ed è quindi adatta al cavaliere avanzato per il tempo libero.
AKU dal 04/2024 senza reperti disponibili.

Se siete interessati, potete contattarci via Whatsapp o per telefono al numero +49 174 5702851.
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Met pijn in het hart nemen we afscheid van O Blanca. Ze is een volbloed Ierse volbloed, 2017*.
Ze toont zich dol op kinderen in het rijden en voltigeren en is erg leergierig.
Helaas bleek al snel dat voltigeren niet het beste voor haar was vanwege haar volbloed lichaamsbouw.
O Blanca is onbeleerd en leerde bij ons de basis in de rijbak, terwijl ze altijd bereid was om gehanteerd te worden, zelfs door beginners.
Ze is ook goed in haar eentje en in een groep in de wei en is daarom geschikt voor de gevorderde vrijetijdsruiter.
AKU vanaf 04/2024 zonder bevindingen beschikbaar.

Als u geïnteresseerd bent, bent u van harte welkom om contact met ons op via Whatsapp of per telefoon op +49 174 5702851.


Private vendor
75236 Kämpfelbach

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75236 Kämpfelbach
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