9 on wish list
Irische Vollblut Stute
~ $6.390
Ad ID: 4351289
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 01.02.2025
Ad views: 1486
Private vendor
38551 Ribbesbüttel
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Sechsjährige, 1,60 m große, Vollblut Stute sucht neuen Mörchengeber. Mit einer guten Grundausbildung ist sie bereit weiter gefördert zu werden. Sie ist artig beim Schmied, herdentauglich (eher rangniedig), zaunsicher, sie läuft Barhuf. Aufgrund ihrer sensiblen Art nicht für Kinder, Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger geeignet. Kleine AKU vorhanden.
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Six-year-old, 1.60 m tall, thoroughbred mare is looking for a new owner. With good basic training, she is ready to be trained further. She is well-behaved at the farrier, suitable for herds (rather low in rank), fence-safe, she runs barehoof. Due to her sensitive nature, she is not suitable for children, beginners or re-starters. Small AKU available.
This text has been translated automatically.
Una cavalla purosangue di sei anni, alta 1,60 m, cerca un nuovo proprietario. Con un buon addestramento di base, è pronta per essere addestrata ulteriormente. È ben educata al maniscalco, adatta alle mandrie (piuttosto bassa di rango), sicura nei recinti e cammina a piedi nudi. A causa della sua natura sensibile, non è adatta ai bambini, ai principianti o a chi inizia da poco. È disponibile un piccolo AKU.

Private vendor
38551 Ribbesbüttel
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Private vendor
38551 Ribbesbüttel
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