Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
Irish Thoroughbred Mare 7 years 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Tornesch
+2 Pictures

Wunderschöne 7 Jährige Stute Freizeitpferd

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4230904
Online since: 29.09.2024
Ad views: 358
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~ $9.585 Negotiable
Private vendor
25436 Tornesch
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Further information

The Irish Thoroughbred evolved from the English Thoroughbred, which is retraceable to the 15th century. Especially after the export of English Thoroughbreds to the United States gained in importance, the breeding of Thoroughbreds in Ireland got evermore popular. For that purpose native horses were g ... More about the horse breed Irish Thoroughbred
7 years
15,1 hh
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Nach 1,5 Jahren Pause wird Walina seit 4 Wochen wieder geritten und zeigt sich motiviert und lernwillig. Sie hat einen guten TÜV mit 23 Bildern und ist brav im Umgang, sowohl am Boden als auch im Sattel. Ideal für ambitionierte Reiter die ein liebevolles und zuverlässiges Pferd suchen. Ihre freundliche Art macht sie zu einer perfekten Partnerin für Sport und Freizeit.
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After a break of 1.5 years, Walina has been ridden again for 4 weeks and is motivated and willing to learn. She has a good MOT with 23 pictures and is well-behaved, both on the ground and in the saddle. Ideal for ambitious riders looking for a loving and reliable horse. Her friendly nature makes her a perfect partner for sport and leisure.


Private vendor
25436 Tornesch

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Private vendor
25436 Tornesch
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