Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk
Icelandic Horse Stallion 3 years 13,2 hh in Blunk



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Stjarna von Seimur, ein toller Freizeitpartner

~ $9.479 Negotiable
Joachim Quelle
23715 Hassendorf Germany
+49 (0)15... View All


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Further information

Pure breeding for more than 1,000 years and the severe living conditions on Iceland produced a horse that has a quite special character. They roamed half-wild in huge herds around Iceland. During the severe Icelandic winters both riding horses and young stock do not have to stay outside but are in s ... More about the horse breed Icelandic Horse
3 years
13,2 hh


is easy to load

is 5-gaited

Halter accustomed


Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available

No eczema


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Stjarna von Seimur, Tochter von Svana von Seimur & dem bekannten Kjarkur von Seimur. Stjarna ist ein ganz liebe, zurückhaltende Jungstute, mit sehr schönen klar getrennten Gängen, voraussichtlich 5 gängig. Ihre Farbe nennt sich, Braunisabell ( Erdfarben). Ihr Wesen und Charkater sind einwandfrei, sie lebt mit ihren Kolleginnen auf unseren großen Weiden 1- 4 jährig mit den Junghengsten. Stjarna hat auch eine tolle Abstammung und wäre für Freizeit, Zucht und Sport geeignet. Gerne näheres per PN.
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Stjarna by Seimur, daughter of Svana by Seimur & the well-known Kjarkur by Seimur. Stjarna is a very lovely, reserved young mare, with very nice, clearly separated gaits, probably 5 gaits. Her color is called Braunisabell (earth colors). Her character and character are impeccable, she lives with her colleagues in our large pastures from 1 to 4 years old with the young stallions. Stjarna also has a great pedigree and would be suitable for leisure, breeding and sport. More details via PN.
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Stjarna von Seimur, fille de Svana von Seimur & du célèbre Kjarkur von Seimur. Stjarna est une jeune jument très gentille et réservée, avec de très belles allures bien séparées, probablement 5 allures. Sa robe s'appelle Braunisabell (couleur terre). Son caractère et son chat sont irréprochables, elle vit avec ses collègues dans nos grands pâturages de 1 à 4 ans avec les jeunes étalons. Stjarna a également de superbes origines et conviendrait pour le loisir, l'élevage et le sport. Plus d'informations sur demande.
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Stjarna di Seimur, figlia di Svana di Seimur e del noto Kjarkur di Seimur. Stjarna è una giovane cavalla molto bella e riservata, con andature molto belle e ben distinte, probabilmente 5 andature. Il suo colore è chiamato Braunisabell (colori della terra). Il suo temperamento e il suo carattere sono impeccabili, vive con i suoi colleghi nei nostri grandi pascoli da 1 a 4 anni con i giovani stalloni. Stjarna ha anche un ottimo pedigree e sarebbe adatta per il tempo libero, l'allevamento e lo sport. Maggiori dettagli via PN.
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Stjarna van Seimur, dochter van Svana van Seimur & de bekende Kjarkur van Seimur. Stjarna is een hele lieve, gereserveerde jonge merrie, met hele mooie, duidelijk gescheiden gangen, waarschijnlijk 5 gangen. Haar kleur is Braunisabell (aardekleuren). Haar temperament en karakter zijn onberispelijk, ze leeft met haar collega's in onze grote weiden van 1 tot 4 jaar bij de jonge hengsten. Stjarna heeft ook een geweldige afstamming en zou geschikt zijn voor recreatie, fokkerij en sport. Meer details via PN.
Joachim Quelle
23715 Hassendorf
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Joachim Quelle
23715 Hassendorf
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