Holstein Mare 6 years 16,3 hh Brown in trostberg

52 on wish list

Youngster der Extraklasse

from €100.000
~from $106.503
Kogelnig Horses
9300 St Veit an der Glan Austria
+43 (0)66... View All


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Further information

The Holstein is a horse breed from Schleswig -Holstein in Germany. It is one of the most important horse breeds of the German warm blood breeding which can no longer be deleted. In the Middle Ages the Holstein was a tough workhorse that also was used as a cavalry horse and a draught horse for all th ... More about the horse breed Holstein
6 years
16,3 hh
Training level: Springpferde M ~ Medium (youngster)
Success: Springpferde M ~ Medium (youngster)


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Million Dollar Girl ein Pferd wie man es sich wünscht und keine Wünsche offen lässt. 
Million besticht durch Vermögen, Rittigkeit, Vorsicht, ist im Umgang ein Traum und in allem unkompliziert! 
Mit 15 jährigen Jungen international mehrfach Youngster Tour platziert!
Aktuell 1,25m platziert
This text has been translated automatically.
Million Dollar Girl is a horse that leaves nothing to be desired.
Million impresses with her ability, rideability, caution, is a dream to handle and uncomplicated in everything!
She has been placed several times in the international Youngster Tour with 15-year-old boys!
This text has been translated automatically.
Million Dollar Girl es un caballo que no deja nada que desear.
¡Million impresiona por su habilidad, manejabilidad, cautela, es un sueño de manejar y sin complicaciones en todo!
¡Ha sido colocada varias veces en el Youngster Tour internacional con chicos de 15 años!
This text has been translated automatically.
Million Dollar Girl est le cheval que l'on souhaite et qui répond à tous les souhaits.
Million se distingue par son talent, sa facilité sous la selle, sa prudence, sa facilité d'utilisation et sa simplicité en toutes choses !
Avec des jeunes de 15 ans, il s'est classé plusieurs fois dans le Youngster Tour au niveau international !
This text has been translated automatically.
Million Dollar Girl è un cavallo che non lascia nulla a desiderare.
Million impressiona per la sua abilità, cavalcabilità, prudenza, è un sogno da gestire e senza complicazioni in tutto!
Si è piazzata più volte nello Youngster Tour internazionale con ragazzi di 15 anni!
This text has been translated automatically.
Million Dollar Girl is een paard dat niets te wensen overlaat.
Million maakt indruk met haar vermogen, rijdbaarheid, voorzichtigheid, is een droom om mee om te gaan en ongecompliceerd in alles!
Ze is meerdere keren geplaatst in de internationale Youngster Tour met 15-jarige jongens!
This text has been translated automatically.
Million Dollar Girl to koń, który nie pozostawia nic do życzenia.
Million imponuje swoimi umiejętnościami, jezdnością, ostrożnością, jest marzeniem w obsłudze i nieskomplikowana we wszystkim!
Kilkukrotnie brała udział w międzynarodowych zawodach Youngster Tour z 15-letnimi chłopcami!


Emerald van Ruytershof


Kogelnig Horses
9300 St Veit an der Glan
9 Show phone number
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Kogelnig Horses
9300 St Veit an der Glan
9 Show phone number
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