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The Holstein is a horse breed from Schleswig -Holstein in Germany. It is one of the most important horse breeds of the German warm blood breeding which can no longer be deleted. In the Middle Ages the Holstein was a tough workhorse that also was used as a cavalry horse and a draught horse for all th ... More about the horse breed Holstein
6 years
16 hh


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Vader Uriko is een van de weinige hengsten die op zo’n jonge leeftijd zoveel succes heeft met hun nakomelingen. Zijn nakomelingen maken indruk over de hele linie en zijn niet meer weg te denken uit de internationale sport- en jongepaardenkampioenschappen.

De kwaliteit van zijn nakomelingen spreekt voor zich. De Uriko-zoon Uricas v/d Kattevennen behaalde in 2023 onder Harrie Smolders de derde plaats in de finale van de Global Champions League - Super Cup in Praag en won 333.333 euro. Bull Run's Jireh (MV. Colman) is in de USA succesvol tot 1.60m onder Kristen Vanderveen. Uriga VA (MV. Clarimo) werd derde in de CSIO3* Nations Prize in Deauville onder Diarmuid Howley. Verder kwam Uriko ook als vader in beeld via zijn dochter Charisma HS. De Uriko-Cassito-dochter van Hugo Simon werd in 2019 in Warendorf Federaal Kampioen van de vijfjarige springpaarden onder Richard Vogel. Nu is ze succesvol in internationale toernooien onder Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).

De directe moeder loopt succesvol tot 1.15m. De zus van For Fashion's moeder Carinja 18 is internationaal succesvol tot 1.55m onder diverse ruiters en junioren
Deze pony-getypeerde ruin is laat gestart, we zijn inmiddels begonnen met de eerste sprongen onder de ruiter, dit doet hij al heel goed, met veel overzicht en een goede manier en hij is hij zeer getalenteerd.
Hij loopt alle 3 gangen veilig en staat goed op de hulpen, hij is fijn op buitenrit in en ook water is geen probleem.
Door zijn opleidingsniveau is hij nog geen beginnerspaard, hij heef een goed karakter en is braaf in de omgang en onder de ruiter.

Sire Uriko is one of the few stallions to have such success with their offspring at such a young age. His offspring are impressive in terms of sport across the board and are now indispensable in international sport and at young horse championships.

The quality of his offspring speaks for itself. Uriko's son Uricas v/d Kattevennen took third place in the Global Champions League - Super Cup final in Prague in 2023 under Harrie Smolders and won 333,333 euros. Bull Run's Jireh (DV. Colman) is successful in the USA under Kristen Vanderveen up to 1.60m. Uriga VA (DV. Clarimo) placed third in the CSIO3* Nations Cup in Deauville under Diarmuid Howley. Uriko also came into focus as a sire through his daughter Charisma HS. The Uriko-Cassito daughter owned by Hugo Simon became the national champion of five-year-old show jumpers in Warendorf in 2019 under Richard Vogel. She is now successful in international competitions under Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).
The direct dam is successful in competitions up to 1.15m. The mother's sister Carinja 18 by For Fashion is successful internationally up to 1.55m under various riders and juniors.

This pony-like gelding was broken in late, we have now started with the first jumps under the rider, he is already doing this very well, with a lot of overview and a good manner, he is very talented at this.
He does all gaits safely and responds well to the aids, he goes well out into the countryside and water is no problem either.
Due to his level of training, he is not yet a horse for beginners, he is absolutely clear-headed and well behaved in handling and under the rider.

Le père Uriko est l'un des rares étalons à avoir autant de succès avec sa progéniture à un si jeune âge. Sa progéniture est impressionnante dans tous les domaines et fait partie intégrante des championnats internationaux de sport et de jeunes chevaux.

La qualité de sa progéniture parle d'elle-même. Le fils d'Uriko, Uricas v/d Kattevennen, a pris la troisième place lors de la finale de la Global Champions League - Super Cup à Prague sous Harrie Smolders en 2023 et a remporté 333 333 euros. Jireh (MV. Colman) de Bull Run réussit jusqu'à 1,60 m aux USA sous la direction de Kristen Vanderveen. Uriga VA (MV. Clarimo) s'est classée troisième du Prix des Nations CSIO3* à Deauville sous la direction de Diarmuid Howley. De plus, Uriko s'est également fait connaître en tant que père grâce à sa fille Charisma HS. La fille d'Uriko-Cassito appartenant à Hugo Simon est devenue championne fédérale des chevaux de saut d'obstacle de cinq ans à Warendorf en 2019 sous la direction de Richard Vogel. Elle réussit désormais dans les tournois internationaux sous la direction de Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).

La mère directe court avec succès jusqu'à 1,15 m. La sœur de la mère de For Fashion, Carinja 18, connaît un succès international jusqu'à 1,55 m sous divers cavaliers et juniors.
Ce hongre de type poney a démarré tardivement, nous avons maintenant commencé les premiers sauts sous le cavalier, il le fait déjà très bien, avec beaucoup de vue d'ensemble et un bon comportement, il est très talentueux.
Il marche tout le GGA en toute sécurité et se tient bien sur les aides, il marche bien sur le terrain et l'eau n'est pas non plus un problème.
De par son niveau d'entraînement, ce n'est pas encore un cheval de débutant, il est absolument lucide et bien élevé dans la conduite et sous le cavalier.

Vater Uriko ist einer von wenigen Hengsten die in so jungem Alter einen derartigen Erfolg im Hinblick auf ihre Nachzucht haben. Seine Nachkommen überzeugen sportlich auf ganzer Linie und sind im internationalen Sport und auf Jungpferde-Championate mit mehr wegzudenken.

Die Qualität seiner Nachkommen spricht für sich. Der Uriko-Sohn Uricas v/d Kattevennen konnte 2023 unter Harrie Smolders den dritten Platz im Global Champions League - Super Cup Finale in Prag erspringen und gewann damit 333.333 Euro. Bull Run's Jireh (MV. Colman) ist in den USA unter Kristen Vanderveen bis 1,60m erfolgreich. Uriga VA (MV. Clarimo) platzierte sich in Deauville im CSIO3*-Nationen Preis unter Diarmuid Howley an dritter Stelle. Des Weiteren rückte Uriko auch durch seine Tochter Charisma HS als Vererber in den Fokus. Die Uriko-Cassito-Tochter aus dem Besitz von Hugo Simon avancierte 2019 unter Richard Vogel zur Bundeschampionesse der fünfjährigen Springpferde in Warendorf. Jetzt ist sie im internationalen Turniersport unter Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP) erfolgreich unterwegs.

Die direkte Mutter läuft sporterfolgreich bis 1.15m. Die Schwester der Mutter Carinja 18 von For Fashion ist unter verschiedenen Reitern und Junioren international bis 1.55m erfolgreich.

Dieser im Ponytyp stehende Wallach wurde erst spät angeritten, wir haben nun mit den ersten Sprüngen unterm Reiter angefangen, dies macht er auch schon sehr ordentlich, mit viel Übersicht und einer guten Manier zeigt er sich hierbei sehr Talentiert.
Er geht alle GGA sicher und steht gut an den Hilfen, er geht brav ins Gelände und Wasser ist auch kein Problem.
Aufgrund seines Ausbildungstandes ist er noch kein Anfängerpferd, er ist absolut Kopf klar und brav im Umgang und unterm Reiter.
This text has been translated automatically.

Vader Uriko is one of the few stallions who has had so much success with his successes at such a young age. Zijn nakomelingen maken indruk over de hele linie en zijn niet meer weg te denken uit de internationale sport- en jongepaardenkampioenschappen.

De kwaliteit van zijn nakomelingen spreekt voor zich. De Uriko-zoon Uricas v/d Kattevennen behaalde in 2023 onder Harrie Smolders de derde plaats in de finale van de Global Champions League - Super Cup in Praag en won 333.333 euro. Bull Run's Jireh (MV. Colman) is in de USA succesvol tot 1.60m onder Kristen Vanderveen. Uriga VA (MV. Clarimo) will derde in de CSIO3* Nations Prize in Deauville onder Diarmuid Howley. Verder kwam Uriko ook als vader in beeld via zijn dochter Charisma HS. De Uriko-Cassito-daughter of Hugo Simon became in 2019 in Warendorf Federaal Kampioen van de vijfjarige springpaarden onder Richard Vogel. She is now successful in international competitions under Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).

De directe moeder loopt succesvol tot 1.15m. De zus van For Fashion's moeder Carinja 18 is internationaal succesvol tot 1.55m onder diverse ruiters en junioren
Deze pony-getypeerde ruin is laat gestart, we zijn inmiddels begonnen met de eerste sprongen onder de ruiter, dit doet hij al heel goed, met veel overzicht en een goede manier en hij is hij zeer getalenteerd.
Hij loopt alle 3 gangen veilig en staat goed op de hulpen, hij is fijn op buitenrit in en ook water is geen probleem.
His level of performance is not yet beginner level, he has a good character and is good in the gait and under saddle.

Sire Uriko is one of the few stallions to have such success with their offspring at such a young age. His offspring are impressive in terms of sport across the board and are now indispensable in international sport and at young horse championships.

The quality of his offspring speaks for itself. Uriko's son Uricas v/d Kattevennen took third place in the Global Champions League - Super Cup final in Prague in 2023 under Harrie Smolders and won 333,333 euros. Bull Run's Jireh (DV. Colman) is successful in the USA under Kristen Vanderveen up to 1.60m. Uriga VA (DV. Clarimo) placed third in the CSIO3* Nations Cup in Deauville under Diarmuid Howley. Uriko also came into focus as a sire through his daughter Charisma HS. The Uriko-Cassito daughter owned by Hugo Simon became the national champion of five-year-old show jumpers in Warendorf in 2019 under Richard Vogel. She is now successful in international competitions under Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).
The direct dam is successful in competitions up to 1.15m. The mother's sister Carinja 18 by For Fashion is successful internationally up to 1.55m under various riders and juniors.

This pony-like gelding was broken in late, we have now started with the first jumps under the rider, he is already doing this very well, with a lot of overview and a good manner, he is very talented at this.
He does all gaits safely and responds well to the aids, he goes well out into the countryside and water is no problem either.
Due to his level of training, he is not yet a horse for beginners, he is absolutely clear-headed and well behaved in handling and under the rider.

Le père Uriko is one of the rare étalons to have such success with his program at such a young age. His program is impressive in all areas and is an integral part of the international sport and young horse championships.

The quality of its production speaks for itself. Le fils d'Uriko, Uricas v/d Kattevennen, a pris la troisième place lors de la finale de la Global Champions League - Super Cup à Prague sous Harrie Smolders en 2023 et a remporté 333 333 euros. Jireh (MV. Colman) de Bull Run réussit jusqu'à 1,60 m aux USA sous la direction de Kristen Vanderveen. Uriga VA (MV. Clarimo) s'est classée troisième du Prix des Nations CSIO3* à Deauville sous la direction de Diarmuid Howley. In addition, Uriko has also made a name for himself as a father thanks to his daughter Charisma HS. The daughter of Uriko-Cassito, owned by Hugo Simon, was crowned federal champion of the show jumping obstacle at Warendorf in 2019 under the direction of Richard Vogel. Elle réussit désormais dans les tournois internationaux sous la direction de Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).

La mère directe court avec succès jusqu'à 1,15 m. La sœur de la mère de For Fashion, Carinja 18, connaît un succès international jusqu'à 1,55 m sous divers cavaliers et juniors.
Ce hongre de type poney a démarré tardivement, nous avons maintenant commencé les premiers sauts sous le cavalier, il le fait déjà très bien, avec beaucoup de vue d'ensemble et un bon comportement, il est très talentueux.
He walks the course in complete safety and keeps well on the aids, he walks well on the ground and water is no longer a problem.
Due to his level of training, he is not yet a novice horse, he is absolutely lucid and well trained in the lead and under the rider.

His sire Uriko is one of the few stallions to have such a successful offspring at such a young age. His offspring are convincing all along the sporting line and are indispensable in international sport and at young horse championships.

The quality of his offspring speaks for itself. The Uriko son Uricas by Kattevennen took third place in the Global Champions League - Super Cup Final in Prague in 2023 under Harrie Smolders, winning 333,333 euros. Bull Run's Jireh (MV. Colman) is successful in the USA under Kristen Vanderveen up to 1.60m. Uriga VA (MV. Clarimo) placed third in the CSIO3* Nations Cup in Deauville under Diarmuid Howley. Uriko also came to the fore as a sire through his daughter Charisma HS. The Uriko-Cassito daughter, owned by Hugo Simon, was crowned Bundeschampioness of five-year-old show jumpers in Warendorf in 2019 under Richard Vogel. She is now competing successfully at international level under Sergio Alvares Moya (ESP).

The direct dam is successful in sport up to 1.15m. The dam's sister Carinja 18 by For Fashion is internationally successful up to 1.55m under various riders and juniors.

This pony type gelding was broken in late, we have now started with the first jumps under rider, which he is already doing very well, with a lot of overview and a good manner he is very talented.
He performs all gaits confidently and stands well on the aids, he is well-behaved in the field and water is no problem either.
Due to his level of training he is not yet a beginner's horse, he is absolutely head clear and well-behaved in handling and under the rider.


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European Sport Horse Auction

ESHA organizes multiple horse sales auctions for promising show jumpers, dressage horses, foals, broodmares, semen, embryos... The auctions are 100% online and/or in different locations.

ESHA gives everybody the chance to buy promising horses in a no-nonsense way at realistic prices from the extensive collections.

In the meanwhile, please take a look at our website esha.horse for all the info, photo, video, examinations,... about the horses in the auctions. We have interesting new selections every few weeks. You can also contact the auction via e-mail info(at)esha.horse. 

ALL INFO AT WWW.ESHA.HORSE. Contact preferably via email or Whatsapp message.

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