Hanoverian Stallion Foal (04/2024) Black in Havelaue
2 Videos

Ausnahme-Dressurfohlen von Cadeau Noir

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4141031
Online since: 18.07.2024
Ad views: 1271
Add to wish list: 8
€15.000 to €20.000
~$15.975 to $21.301
Hannoveraner PZV Berlin-Brandenburg eVBreeders community
14979 Großbeeren Germany
Person in charge:
Volker Bertram
Show phone number
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
Foal (04/2024)
Hannoveraner Verband
is allrounder
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Dieses herrliche Hengstfohlen wurde mit Top-Noten bewertet und erhielt für die Bewegung die Traumnote 8,8. Mit seinen super Grundgangarten, seiner korrekten Konstruktion und seiner Freundlichkeit bringt unser Fohlen alles mit für den Weg zum zuverlässigen Reitpferd. Dazu noch die herrliche Rappfarbe ein besonders edler Schmelz! Eine lohnende Investition für ambitionierte Reiter, die ein vielversprechendes Nachwuchspferd selbst aufziehen wollen.

Vater des Fohlens ist der großartige Grand Prix-Hengst Cadeau Noir (Gestüt Bonhomme), der mit unvergleichlicher Konstanz sportlich erfolgreich ist und unter verschiedenen Reitern immer abgeliefert hat. So gewann er den Siegerpreis des renommierten Burgpokal-Finales unter Lena Waldmann und ist aktuell Teilnehmer der U25-EM unter Moritz Treffinger. Cadeau Noirs nationale und internationale Erfolge sind äußerst zahlreich. Wir erwarten, dass seine Einstellung, seine enorme Rittigkeit und sein über alles erhabene Talent auf dieses Fohlen übergehen!

Melden Sie sich bei uns, um diesen jungen Hengst persönlich kennen zu lernen! Sehr gerne präsentieren wir ihn vor Ort. Kerngesund, aus artgerechter Haltung mit viel Bewegung, entwurmt, geimpft, gepflegt. Aus renommierter und erfahrener Züchterhand. 

Die Mutter unseres Verkaufsfohlens ist eine ganz feine, wunderschöne und bewegungsstarke Hannoveranerin vom Prämienhengst Maracanã. Maracanã war Sieger seines Sporttests (Endnote 8,62) und wurde mehrfach mit 9er und 10er Noten bonitiert: immer wieder bestach er durch seine Rittigkeit, seine Durchlässigkeit, seine Grundgangartenqualität und sein Interieur. In der direkten mütterlichen Verwandtschaft gibt es zahlreiche hervorragende Reit- und Auktionspferde.

Hannoveraner Stutenstamm der Schigrune, daraus u.a. 
die gekörten Hengste
Alabama 40 (v. Alabaster, Dressur Grand Prix), Dom (v. Disponent), Lambertin JL (v. Landrebell), Fürst Finley (v. Ferman, S**-Dressur), Sommelier (v. San Amour I, M**-Dressur), Sommernachtstraum (v. San Amour I, M**-Dressur),  Feisal (v. Feierabend)
die Sportpferde 
Action Bird (v. Action Blue, 1,35m Spr.), Attila (v. Adular, 1,30m Spr.), Caley J (v. Carpathos, 1,30m Spr.), Capriccio M. (v. Caprigold, S-Dressur), Chesterfield (v. Chacco Blue II, 1,40m Spr.), Cisco 241 (v. Casiro I, 1,35m Spr.), Clark J (v. Carpathos, 1,30m Spr.), Cocochella J (v. Cador, 1,40m Spr.), Coachella J (v. Cador, 1,40m Spr.), Coerly Sue (v. Chap I, 1,50m Spr.), Courtney (v. Chambertin, 1,30m Spr.), Cuddy (v. Chap I, 1,30m Spr.), Don Hit (v. Diamond Hit, PSG/Inter I), Donna (v. Donaumonarch, 1,30m Spr.), Dragonheart (v. Dartagnan, PSG/Inter I), Fergie (v. Forsyth, 1,60m Spr.), Franzi MN (v. For Edition I, 1,30m Spr.), Galina (v. Galib Ben Afas ox, CIC1*), Katika (v. Catoki, 1,35m Spr.), Kimberly (v. Kolibri, 1,30m Spr.), Kobold (v. Kolibri, 1,60m Spr.), Krokant 20 (v. Kolibri, 1,30m Spr.), Loretta (v. Leonidas, 1,30m Spr.), Lord Levistano (v. Levistano, 1,20m Spr., CCI3*-S), Mendelssohn (v. Michelangelo, S-Dressur), Merry Chrismas (v. Kolibri, 1,50m Spr.), Porsche's Florencia (v. Fürst Heinrich, PSG/Inter I), Quantos 5 (v. Quattro B, 1,40m Spr.), Queen Amber (v. Quadroneur, M*-Dressur), Queen of Beauty (v. Quattro B, 1,35m Spr.), Quiero (v. Quando-Quando, PSG/Inter I), Question of Honour (v. Quattro B, 1,30m Spr.), Quirinus (v. Quattro B, 1,40m Spr.), Sir Pikoer (v. San Juan, 1,35m Spr.), Soxx (v. Saccor, 1,50m Spr.), St. Tropez (v. San Amour I, S-Dressur).
This text has been translated automatically.
This wonderful colt was awarded top marks and received a dream score of 8.8 for movement. With his super basic gaits, correct construction and friendliness, our foal has everything he needs to become a reliable riding horse. In addition, the wonderful black color is a particularly noble enamel! A worthwhile investment for ambitious riders who want to raise a promising young horse themselves.

The foal's sire is the magnificent Grand Prix stallion Cadeau Noir (Gestüt Bonhomme), who has enjoyed unparalleled sporting success and has always delivered under various riders. He won the winner's prize at the prestigious Burgpokal Final under Lena Waldmann and is currently taking part in the U25 European Championships under Moritz Treffinger. Cadeau Noir's national and international successes are extremely numerous. We expect his attitude, his enormous rideability and his outstanding talent to be passed on to this foal!

Get in touch with us to meet this young stallion in person! We will be happy to present him on site. In good health, from species-appropriate husbandry with plenty of exercise, dewormed, vaccinated, well-groomed. From a renowned and experienced breeder.

The dam of our foal for sale is a very fine, beautiful and strong moving Hanoverian by the premium stallion Maracanã. Maracanã was the winner of his sport test (final score 8.62) and was repeatedly awarded 9s and 10s: he repeatedly impressed with his rideability, his permeability, the quality of his basic gaits and his interior. His direct maternal relatives include numerous outstanding riding and auction horses.

Hanoverian mare line of Schigrune, from which, among others
the licensed stallions
Alabama 40 (by Alabaster, dressage Grand Prix), Dom (by Disponent), Lambertin JL (by Landrebell), Fürst Finley (by Ferman, advanced (S**) dressage), Sommelier (by San Amour I, medium (M**) dressage), Sommernachtstraum (by San Amour I, medium (M**) dressage), Feisal (by Feierabend)
the sport horses
Action Bird (by Action Blue, 1.35m jumping), Attila (by Adular, 1.30m jumping), Caley J (by Carpathos, 1.30m jumping), Capriccio M. (by Caprigold, advanced (S) level dressage), Chesterfield (by Chacco Blue II, 1.40m jumping), Cisco 241 (by Casiro I, 1.35m jumping), Clark J (by Carpathos, 1.35m jumping).), Clark J (by Carpathos, 1.30m jumping), Cocochella J (by Cador, 1.40m jumping), Coachella J (by Cador, 1.40m jumping), Coerly Sue (by Chap I, 1.50m jumping), Courtney (by Chambertin, 1.30m jumping), Cuddy (by Chap I, 1.30m jumping), Don Hit (by Diamond I, 1.30m jumping).), Don Hit (by Diamond Hit, PSG/Inter I), Donna (by Donaumonarch, 1.30m jumping), Dragonheart (by Dartagnan, PSG/Inter I), Fergie (by Forsyth, 1.60m jumping), Franzi MN (by For Edition I, 1.30m jumping), Galina (by. Galib Ben Afas ox, CIC1*), Katika (by Catoki, 1.35m jumping), Kimberly (by Kolibri, 1.30m jumping), Kobold (by Kolibri, 1.60m jumping), Krokant 20 (by Kolibri, 1.30m jumping), Loretta (by Leonidas, 1.30m jumping), Lord Levistano (by Levistano, 1.20m jumping, CCI3*-S), Mendelssohn (by Michelangelo, advanced level dressage), Merry Chrismas (by Kolibri, 1.50m jumping), Porsche's Florencia (by Fürst Heinrich, PSG/Inter I), Quantos 5 (by Quattro B, 1.40m jumping), Queen Amber (by Quadroneur, medium level dressage), Queen of Beauty (by. Quattro B, 1.35m jumping), Quiero (by Quando-Quando, PSG/Inter I), Question of Honour (by Quattro B, 1.30m jumping), Quirinus (by Quattro B, 1.40m jumping), Sir Pikoer (by San Juan, 1.35m jumping), Soxx (by Saccor, 1.50m jumping), St. Tropez (by San Amour I, advanced level dressage).




14715 Havelaue, Brandenburg


Hannoveraner PZV Berlin-Brandenburg eV
Breeders community
14979 Großbeeren
Person in charge
Volker Bertram
We speak:
Main focuses
Dressage horses
Driving horses
Leisure horses
Hunter horses
Show jumpers
Breeding horses

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Hannoveraner PZV Berlin-Brandenburg eV
Breeders community
14979 Großbeeren
Person in charge
Volker Bertram
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