Hanoverian Mare Foal (04/2024) Smoky-Black in Bad Bevensen
Hanoverian Mare Foal (04/2024) Smoky-Black in Bad Bevensen
Hanoverian Mare Foal (04/2024) Smoky-Black in Bad Bevensen
Hanoverian Mare Foal (04/2024) Smoky-Black in Bad Bevensen

Typvolles Stutfohlen von St. Emilion

Ad type: auction horse
Ad ID: 4186151
Online since: 26.08.2024
Ad views: 573
Add to wish list: 2
bid on auction
Eugen Wahler KG
29549 Bad Bevensen Germany
+49 (0)58... View All
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
Foal (04/2024)
Hannoveraner Verband


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Soulmate ist die Vollschwester zu Satisfaction
(Preisspitze Auktion – Summer Edition 2023)
1. Mutter/dam:
Henrila (12, 2019, Helium – De Niro)
2. Mutter/dam:
Dante (12, 2012, De Niro – Hohenstein I)

Die gesamte Kollektion finden Sie unter https://horse24.com/de/auctions/details/35-klosterhof-medingen-herbstauktion-361
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Soulmate is a full sister to Satisfaction
(Price peak auction - Summer Edition 2023)
1st dam/dam:
Henrila (12, 2019, Helium - De Niro)
2nd dam/dam:
Dante (12, 2012, De Niro - Hohenstein I)

You can find the entire collection at https://horse24.com/de/auctions/details/35-klosterhof-medingen-herbstauktion-361
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Soulmate est la propre sœur de Satisfaction
(Meilleure vente aux enchères - Summer Edition 2023)
1ère mère/dam :
Henrila (12, 2019, Helium - De Niro)
2ème mère/dam :
Dante (12, 2012, De Niro - Hohenstein I)

Vous trouverez la collection complète sur https://horse24.com/de/auctions/details/35-klosterhof-medingen-herbstauktion-361
This text has been translated automatically.
Soulmate är en helsyster till Satisfaction
(Pristoppsauktion - Sommarutgåva 2023)
1:a moder/moder:
Henrila (12, 2019, Helium - De Niro)
2:a mamman/modern:
Dante (12, 2012, De Niro - Hohenstein I)

Du hittar hela samlingen på https://horse24.com/de/auctions/details/35-klosterhof-medingen-herbstauktion-361


St. Emilion
SuarezTia Romina II
SezuanDamandalaDante WeltinoTia-Romina
MillenniumHirseDe NiroHerriet


Eugen Wahler KG
29549 Bad Bevensen
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Eugen Wahler KG
29549 Bad Bevensen
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