Hanoverian Mare 5 years 16,1 hh Chestnut in Wehringen
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Sie hat ihr Herz am rechten Fleck, Traumhafte 5jährige Stute

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4231530
Online since: 29.09.2024
Ad views: 375
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~ $7.455 Negotiable
Rindle Pferdezucht
86517 Wehringen Germany
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
5 years
16,1 hh
is registered broodmare
suitable as school horse/pony
is broken-in
is worked on the ground
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
Equine Passport available


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Eine 5 jährige Stute mit dem Herz am richtigen Fleck, sucht ihre Familie als Freizeitbegleiter!
Sie verfügt über ein hervorragendes Pedigree, ins Stutbuch eingetragen, welches keine Wünsche offen lässt. 
V Floris Prince (Floriscount) x Don Schufro x Lauries Crusador  xx
Stm. 168 cm 
Sie zeigt sich uns als unerschrockene Freizeitbegleiterin, ob alleine im Gelände, mit Hund als Begleitung, oder Landmaschinen, alles ist ihr vertraut. 
Ob mit oder ohne Sattel, ist sie bei uns unterwegs in Gelände und Halle!
Wir können sie uns sehr gut als Freizeitbegleiter, bei weiterer Ausbildung auch im kleinen Turniersport oder auch im Therapie Einsatz vorstellen. 
Weit unter wert, zu verkaufen! 

Als Reitpferd aber auch als Zuchtstute interessant! 

Video vorhanden! 

Für das Probereiten berechnen wir 30€, um Reittourismus zum Schutz unserer Pfefde zu verhindern!
This text has been translated automatically.
A 5-year-old mare with her heart in the right place is looking for her family as a leisure companion!
She has an excellent pedigree, registered in the studbook, which leaves nothing to be desired.
V Floris Prince (Floriscount) x Don Schufro x Lauries Crusador xx
Stm. 168 cm
She shows herself to be a fearless leisure companion, whether alone in the field, with a dog as a companion or with agricultural machinery, she is familiar with everything.
With or without a saddle, she is out and about with us in the field and in the arena!
We can imagine her very well as a leisure companion, with further training also in small tournament sport or also in therapy use.
Well under value, for sale!

Interesting as a riding horse but also as a broodmare!

Video available!

We charge 30€ for the test ride to prevent riding tourism to protect our horses!
This text has been translated automatically.
Una cavalla di 5 anni con il cuore al posto giusto sta cercando la sua famiglia come compagna per il tempo libero!
Ha un eccellente pedigree, registrato nel libro genealogico, che non lascia nulla a desiderare.
V Floris Prince (Floriscount) x Don Schufro x Lauries Crusador xx
Stm. 168 cm
Si dimostra un'impavida compagna di svago, che sia da sola nel campo, con un cane per compagnia o con le macchine agricole, ha dimestichezza con tutto.
Con o senza sella, è in giro con noi nei campi e nelle arene!
La immaginiamo molto bene come compagna per il tempo libero, con un ulteriore addestramento anche in piccoli tornei sportivi o anche nell'uso terapeutico.
Ben al di sotto del valore, in vendita!

Interessante come cavallo da monta ma anche come fattrice!

Video disponibile!

Chiediamo 30€ per il test ride per evitare il turismo equestre e proteggere i nostri cavalli!




86517 Wehringen, Bayern


Rindle Pferdezucht
86517 Wehringen
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