Hanoverian Gelding 8 years 16,3 hh Black in Lehrberg
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Liebenswertes Amateurpferd mit bester Rittigkeit

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4192539
Online since: 28.08.2024
Ad views: 2636
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~ $34.613 Negotiable
Christina Winkler
91611 Lehrberg Germany
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
8 years
16,3 hh
Training level: M ~ 3rd Level
Success: Dressurpferde M ~ 3rd Level (youngster)
suitable for therapeutic riding
suitable for beginners
is worked on the ground
Reliable for trail riding
is capable of carrying weight
is easy to load
Competition experience
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Zum Verkauf steht dieser 8-jährige Rappwallach! Er ist sehr brav, freundlich, unerschrocken und in allen Bereichen unkompliziert! Der Wallach ist sitzbequem, gut im Maul, auf Trense wie auch auf Kandare gleichermaßen fein zu reiten und auch am Turnier völlig gelassen und gut zu Händeln. Er ist mehrfach L platziert und wurde 2. in seiner ersten Dressurpferde M! Auf Grund von Röntgenbefunden (ohne klinische Einschränkungen) deutlich unter Wert!
Anfragen bitte telefonisch oder per WhatsApp unter: 0170/2779570
This text has been translated automatically.
This 8-year-old black gelding is for sale! He is very well-behaved, friendly, fearless and uncomplicated in all areas! The gelding is comfortable to sit, has a good mouth, can be ridden with equal ease on the snaffle and on the curb and is also completely relaxed and easy to handle at competitions. He has placed several times at elementary level and was 2nd in his first medium dressage class!
For inquiries please call or send a WhatsApp to: 0170/2779570
This text has been translated automatically.
¡Este castrado negro de 8 años está a la venta! ¡Es muy bien educado, amable, intrépido y sin complicaciones en todas las áreas! El castrado es cómodo para sentarse, tiene una buena boca, puede ser montado igualmente bien en el estribo y en el freno y también es completamente relajado y fácil de manejar en las competiciones. Se ha colocado varias veces en el nivel elemental y llegó segundo en su primera clase de doma media.
Por favor, pregunte por teléfono o WhatsApp en: 0170/2779570
This text has been translated automatically.
Questo castrone nero di 8 anni è in vendita! È molto ben educato, amichevole, senza paura e senza complicazioni in tutti i settori! Il castrone è comodo da seduto, ha una buona bocca, può essere cavalcato ugualmente bene sia con lo snaffle che con il curb ed è anche completamente rilassato e facile da gestire nelle competizioni. Si è piazzato più volte a livello elementare ed è arrivato secondo nella sua prima classe di dressage medio! A causa dei risultati delle radiografie (senza restrizioni cliniche) è chiaramente al di sotto del valore!
Si prega di chiedere informazioni per telefono o su WhatsApp al numero: 0170/2779570
This text has been translated automatically.
Deze 8 jaar oude zwarte ruin is te koop! Hij is zeer braaf, vriendelijk, onbevreesd en ongecompliceerd op alle gebieden! De ruin zit comfortabel, heeft een goede mond, kan zowel in de snaffle als aan de trens gereden worden en is ook op wedstrijden volledig ontspannen en makkelijk in de omgang. Hij is meerdere keren geplaatst op elementair niveau en werd 2e in zijn eerste medium dressuurklasse!
Neem contact op via telefoon of WhatsApp op: 0170/2779570




91611 Lehrberg, Bayern


Christina Winkler
91611 Lehrberg
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91611 Lehrberg
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