Hanoverian Gelding 3 years 15,2 hh Chestnut-Red in Blekendorf
Hanoverian Gelding 3 years 15,2 hh Chestnut-Red in Blekendorf
Hanoverian Gelding 3 years 15,2 hh Chestnut-Red in Blekendorf
Hanoverian Gelding 3 years 15,2 hh Chestnut-Red in Blekendorf

Sympathisches kleines Dressurpferd von Livaldon

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4210943
Online since: 11.09.2024
Ad views: 390
Add to wish list: 22
€5.000 to €10.000
~$5.325 to $10.650
Pia Steffens
24327 Kaköhl Germany
+49 (0)15... View All
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
3 years
15,2 hh


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Im Auftrag sucht unser kleiner Lino ein neues Zuhause.

Lino ist jetzt 3 Jahre alt und aktuell ca 1,61m groß-altersgemäß natürlich noch total im Wachstum stehend.

Aktuell wird er ganz frisch auf das anreiten vorbereitet, das macht er ziemlich unbeeindruckt aber dennoch aufmerksam mit! Er ist ein kleiner, feiner Kerl, der immer alles richtig machen möchte und niemals etwas Böses will.

Er stammt ab von Livaldon x Elberton x Burggraaf.

Ein Video-Eindruck von Lino kann via WhatsApp versendet werden. 015228865369
This text has been translated automatically.
Our little Lino is looking for a new home.

Lino is now 3 years old and currently about 1.61m tall - still growing, of course.

He is currently being prepared for riding, which he is doing quite unimpressed but still attentive! He is a fine little fellow who always wants to do everything right and never means any harm.

He comes from Livaldon x Elberton x Burggraaf.

A video impression of Lino can be sent via WhatsApp. 015228865369
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Nuestro pequeño Lino busca un nuevo hogar.

Lino tiene ahora 3 años y mide aproximadamente 1,61 metros, aunque sigue creciendo, por supuesto.

En estos momentos se le está preparando para montar a caballo, lo que hace bastante desganado pero atento. Es un buen chico que siempre quiere hacerlo todo bien y nunca tiene mala intención.

Procede de Livaldon x Elberton x Burggraaf.

Se puede enviar una impresión en vídeo de Lino por WhatsApp. 015228865369
This text has been translated automatically.
Il nostro piccolo Lino sta cercando una nuova casa.

Lino ha 3 anni e attualmente è alto circa 1,61 metri - naturalmente sta ancora crescendo.

Attualmente viene preparato per l'equitazione, che esegue in modo abbastanza indifferente ma sempre attento! È un bel tipetto che vuole sempre fare tutto bene e non vuole mai fare del male.

Discende da Livaldon x Elberton x Burggraaf.

Un'impressione video di Lino può essere inviata via WhatsApp. 015228865369




Pia Steffens
24327 Kaköhl
Homepage: hofeichendiek

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24327 Kaköhl
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