Half Arabs Mare 2 years 15,1 hh Smoky-Black in Estrada, A (Casco Urbano)
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Potra de 2 años árabe-oldenburgo.

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4173599
Online since: 02.09.2024
Ad views: 803
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€2.500 to €5.000
~$2.663 to $5.325
Private vendor
36680 A Estrada
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Further information

The Half-Arabians or partbred Arabians are horses, like the name already says, of one half of Arab blood. The other half belongs to a different breed. Well-known partbred Arabians are the Ara-Appaloosa, the Quarab (crossbred with a Quarter Horse) and the Morab (crossbred with a Morgan horse). Half-A ... More about the horse breed Half Arabs
2 years
15,1 hh
Doma Vaquera
Working Equitation


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This text has been translated automatically.
Ihre Mutter ist eine reinrassige Araberin polnischer Abstammung, ihr Vater ist ein Oldenburger Hengst aus Dressurlinien (Sohn des berühmten Sandro Hit). Das Stutfohlen ist aufgrund seines hervorragenden Charakters leicht zu handhaben.
Sehr gute Bewegungen in allen drei Gangarten.
Su madre es una pura raza árabe de orígenes polacos y su padre un semental oldenburgo de líneas de doma clásica ( hijo del reconocido Sandro Hit). La potra es fácil en el manejo dado su excelente carácter.
Muy buenos movimientos en los tres aires.
This text has been translated automatically.
Sa mère est une pure race arabe d'origine polonaise et son père est un étalon Oldenburg de dressage (fils du célèbre Sandro Hit). La pouliche est facile à manipuler grâce à son excellent caractère.
Très bons mouvements aux trois allures.
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La sua madre è una pura razza araba di origine polacca e il suo padre è uno stallone Oldenburg di linee da dressage (figlio del rinomato Sandro Hit). La puledra è facile da gestire grazie al suo eccellente carattere.
Movimenti molto buoni in tutte e tre le andature.


Private vendor
36680 A Estrada

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36680 A Estrada
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