Haflinger Stallion 1 year 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Trebbin
Haflinger Stallion 1 year 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Trebbin
Haflinger Stallion 1 year 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Trebbin
Haflinger Stallion 1 year 15,1 hh Chestnut-Red in Trebbin



24 on wish list

Großrahmiger Herzensbrecher

~ $4.793 Negotiable
VAT can be stated separately
Haflinger Hof Kolberg
14959 Trebbin Germany
+1 (0)152... View All


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Further information

The Haflinger, a popular small breed, has its origin in southern Tyrol (Italy). In general, it is a pony breed for different uses. The breeding history remains obscure. In 1868, the first written reference is found about Arab blood that was introduced in breeding. Haflingers are always rich, ... More about the horse breed Haflinger
1 year
15,1 hh
Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt

suitable as school horse/pony

suitable for therapeutic riding

suitable for beginners

is worked on the ground

is allrounder

is easy to load

Halter accustomed


Stands for the farrier

Suitable for children

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available

No eczema


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Santo Antero- HHK 

Dieses unglaublich ausdrucksstarke Hengstfohlen von Santo Antares- C DE IMANA, schenkte uns unsere Verbandsstute Valentina  am 01.04.2024 ❤️ 

Der kleine Mann ist ein wahrer Herzensbrecher, ausgeglichen, interessiert und unfassbar menschenbezogen- 

Antero ist stets bemüht alles richtig zu machen und ist ein absoluter Vorzeigeschüler! 
Er wird riesengroß und ist verstärkt durch seinen Charakter auch ein absolutes Ausnahmepferd! 

Er verfügt über sehr gute Grundgangarten und hat ein tolles Exterieur. 
Er wurde auf der Fohlenschau mit der Fohlenprämie ausgezeichnet. 

Zum Auszug ist er gechipt und bringt volles Papier mit.
Bis dahin kennt er das Fohlen ABC, ist mehrfach entwurmt und dem Schmied vorgestellt.
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Santo Antero- HHK

This incredibly expressive colt by Santo Antares- C DE IMANA, was given to us by our association mare Valentina on 01.04.2024 ❤️

The little man is a real heartbreaker, balanced, interested and incredibly people-oriented

Antero always tries to do everything right and is an absolute model pupil!
He will grow up to be huge and his character makes him an absolutely exceptional horse!

He has very good basic gaits and great conformation.
He was awarded the foal premium at the foal show.

He is chipped when he moves out and comes with full papers.
Until then he knows the foal ABC, has been wormed several times and presented to the blacksmith.
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Santo Antero- HHK

Questo puledro incredibilmente espressivo di Santo Antares- C DE IMANA, ci è stato dato dalla nostra cavalla associativa Valentina il 01.04.2024 ❤️

Questo piccolo uomo è un vero rubacuori, equilibrato, interessato e incredibilmente orientato alle persone.

Antero cerca sempre di fare tutto bene ed è un allievo modello!
Crescerà tantissimo e il suo carattere lo rende un cavallo assolutamente eccezionale!

Ha un'ottima andatura di base e una grande conformazione.
È stato premiato con il premio per i puledri alla mostra dei puledri.

Verrà chippato al momento dell'uscita e verrà fornito con tutti i documenti.
Fino ad allora conosce l'ABC del puledro, è stato sverminato più volte e presentato al maniscalco.
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Santo Antero- HHK

Dit ongelooflijk expressieve hengstveulen van Santo Antares- C DE IMANA, werd ons gegeven door onze associatiemerrie Valentina op 01.04.2024 ❤️

De kleine man is een echte hartenbreker, goed in balans, geïnteresseerd en ongelooflijk mensgericht.

Antero probeert altijd alles goed te doen en is een absolute modelleerling!
Hij zal groot worden en zijn karakter maakt hem tot een absoluut uitzonderlijk paard!

Hij heeft zeer goede basisgangen en een geweldig exterieur.
Hij werd geëerd met de veulenpremie op de veulenkeuring.

Hij wordt gechipt wanneer hij verhuist en komt met volledige papieren.
Tot die tijd kent hij het veulen-ABC, is hij meerdere keren ontwormd en gepresenteerd aan de smid.


Haflinger Hof Kolberg
14959 Trebbin
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Haflinger Hof Kolberg
14959 Trebbin
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