Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
Haflinger Mare 4 years 14,1 hh Chestnut in Tuhan
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Original Tiroler Haflinger Jungstute 4 Jahre alt zu verkaufen

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4195236
Online since: 30.08.2024
Ad views: 594
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~ $10.650 Negotiable
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Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Tereza Sixtova
Tuhan 26
47201 Tuhan
Czech Republic
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The Haflinger, a popular small breed, has its origin in southern Tyrol (Italy). In general, it is a pony breed for different uses. The breeding history remains obscure. In 1868, the first written reference is found about Arab blood that was introduced in breeding. Haflingers are always rich, ... More about the horse breed Haflinger
4 years
14,1 hh
Training level: Novice (youngster)
Training level: 1st Level (youngster)


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wir bieten unsere Stute Fabella, eine Haflingerstute, zum Verkauf an. Fabella ist vier Jahre alt und wurde aus Tirol, Österreich, importiert. Ihre Mutter Fortuna stammt von Nikora und ihr Vater ist Stratos, was auf eine hervorragende Abstammung mit Potenzial für die Zucht hinweist.

Fabella hat erfolgreich eine Leistungsprüfung unter dem Sattel bestanden und wird von einem Mädchen geritten. Sie ist völlig gesund, regelmäßig entwurmt, geimpft und beschlagen. Sie hat einen problemlosen Charakter, ist kinderfreundlich und reist ohne Schwierigkeiten.

Bei der Stutenprämierung erhielt sie 7,8 Punkte für Exterieur und wurde nach erfolgreicher Leistungsprüfung 7,8 Punkte in das Beschleunigungsprogramm aufgenommen. Die Stute hat eine Größe von 147 cm.

Fabella befindet sich in der Tschechischen Republik, eine Stunde von Dresden entfernt.

Für weitere Informationen zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren.

We are offering our mare Fabella, a Haflinger mare, for sale. Fabella is four years old and was imported from Tyrol, Austria. Her dam, Fortuna, is sired by Nikora, and her sire is Stratos, indicating an excellent pedigree with breeding potential.

Fabella has successfully passed a performance test under saddle and is ridden by a young girl. She is in perfect health, regularly dewormed, vaccinated, and shod. She has a trouble-free character, is child-friendly, and travels without any issues.

At the mare's evaluation, she received 7.8 points for conformation and was admitted to the acceleration program after passing her performance test. The mare stands at 147 cm tall.

Fabella is located in the Czech Republic, one hour away from Dresden.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This text has been translated automatically.

Mettiamo in vendita la nostra cavalla Fabella, una cavalla Haflinger. Fabella ha quattro anni ed è stata importata dal Tirolo, in Austria. La sua madre, Fortuna, è allevata da Nikora e il suo padre è Stratos, il che indica un eccellente pedigree con potenziale riproduttivo.

Fabella ha superato con successo un test di performance sotto sella ed è montata da una giovane ragazza. È in perfetta salute, regolarmente sverminata, vaccinata e ferrata. Ha un carattere senza problemi, è adatta ai bambini e viaggia senza problemi.

Alla valutazione della cavalla, ha ricevuto 7,8 punti per la conformazione ed è stata ammessa al programma di accelerazione dopo aver superato il test di performance. La cavalla è alta 147 cm.

Fabella si trova nella Repubblica Ceca, a un'ora di distanza da Dresda.

Per ulteriori informazioni, non esitate a contattarci.





47201 Tuhan
Czech Republic


Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Tereza Sixtova
Tuhan 26
47201 Tuhan
Czech Republic

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Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Tereza Sixtova
Tuhan 26
47201 Tuhan
Czech Republic
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