Gypsy Horse Stallion 3 years 15 hh Tobiano-all-colors in Klecza

14 on wish list

Beautiful Gypsy Cob stallion

~ $5.325
Roel den Burger
59-610 Wlen Poland
+48 (0)73... View All


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Further information

The horse breed Gypsy-Horse is also known under the names Gypsy Horse, Gypsy Cob, or colored Cob. In Ireland, which is their country of origin they were used as riding or draft horses. Due to their piebald or pinto coat color, they were relatively worthless and have not been approved for bree ... More about the horse breed Gypsy Horse
3 years
15 hh
Nederlands Stamboek voor Tinker

is a companion

suitable as school horse/pony

is allrounder

is capable of carrying weight

Halter accustomed


Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available

No eczema


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Sehr hübscher Hengst sucht ein neues Zuhause.
Pssm1 nn.

Vater ist Model-Hengst Marshall TT.
Mutter ist SD Giza aus dem berühmten SD-Gestüt in England. Stammbaum umfasst SD Double Stuff, SD The Don, SD Woolly Mammoth.

Er beherrscht alle grundlegenden Dinge, die er für sein Alter wissen sollte. Geht am Halfter, bindet an, hebt die Füße auf, steht für den Hufschmied. Lebt in der Herde mit anderen Hengsten.
Kastration möglich
Very handsome stallion looking for new home. 
Pssm1 nn.

Father is Model stallion Marshall TT.
Mother is SD Giza from the famous SD stud in England. Pedigree includes SD Double Stuff, SD The Don, SD Woolly Mammoth.

Knows all basic things he should know for his age. Walks on the halter, ties, pick up feet, stands for farrier. Lives in herd with other stallions.
Castration possible
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Muy guapo semental en busca de nuevo hogar.
Pssm1 nn.

Padre es Modelo semental Marshall TT.
Madre es SD Giza de la famosa yeguada SD en Inglaterra. Pedigree incluye SD Double Stuff, SD The Don, SD Woolly Mammoth.

Sabe todas las cosas básicas que debería saber para su edad. Camina con el cabestro, ata, levanta los pies, se pone de pie para el herrador. Vive en manada con otros sementales.
Castración posible
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Très bel étalon à la recherche d'un nouveau foyer.
Pssm1 nn.

Le père est l'étalon modèle Marshall TT.
La mère est SD Giza du célèbre haras SD en Angleterre. Son pedigree comprend SD Double Stuff, SD The Don, SD Woolly Mammoth.

Connaît toutes les choses de base qu'il devrait connaître pour son âge. Il marche au licou, s'attache, ramasse les pieds, se tient debout pour le maréchal-ferrant. Vit dans un troupeau avec d'autres étalons.
Castration possible
Beautiful Gypsy Cob stallion
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Bardzo przystojny ogier szuka nowego domu.
Pssm1 nn.

Ojcem jest wzorcowy ogier Marshall TT.
Matką jest SD Giza ze słynnej stadniny SD w Anglii. Rodowód obejmuje SD Double Stuff, SD The Don, SD Woolly Mammoth.

Umie wszystkie podstawowe rzeczy, które powinien umieć w swoim wieku. Chodzi na halterze, wiąże, podnosi nogi, stoi dla kowala. Żyje w stadzie z innymi ogierami.
Możliwa kastracja


Marshall TT
SD Giza
SD Double StuffSd Destiny
Sd The DonSD SadieSD TysonSD Reading Filly
Roel den Burger
59-610 Wlen
Homepage: roelden-burger

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Roel den Burger
59-610 Wlen

