Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
Gypsy Horse Gelding 13 years 14,1 hh Tobiano-all-colors in strmilov
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children love

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4130355
Online since: 11.07.2024
Ad views: 936
Add to wish list: 7
~ $2.982
Private vendor
37853 Strmilov
Czech Republic
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Further information

The horse breed Gypsy-Horse is also known under the names Gypsy Horse, Gypsy Cob, or colored Cob. In Ireland, which is their country of origin they were used as riding or draft horses. Due to their piebald or pinto coat color, they were relatively worthless and have not been approved for bree ... More about the horse breed Gypsy Horse
13 years
14,1 hh
suitable for therapeutic riding
is broken-in
is lunged
Reliable for trail riding
is easy to load
Suitable for children
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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This text has been translated automatically.
sehr schöner Irish Cob Wallach.
13 Jahre
dieses Jahr einige Wochen eingeritten. Er muss noch bearbeitet werden.
völlig unabhängig von Pferden.
das am besten geeignete Pferd für alle Handhabung, die auch die kleinsten Kinder handhaben können.
very nice Irish Cob gelding. 
13 years 
this year broken-in for a few weeks. he still needs to be worked with. 
completely independent of horses. 
the most suitable horse for all handling, which even the smallest children can handle.
This text has been translated automatically.
très beau hongre Irish Cob.
13 ans
cette année débourré pendant quelques semaines. il a encore besoin d'être travaillé.
complètement indépendant des chevaux.
le cheval le plus adapté à toutes les manipulations, que même les plus petits enfants peuvent manipuler.
This text has been translated automatically.
zeer mooie Ierse Cob ruin.
13 jaar
dit jaar een paar weken ingereden. er moet nog met hem gewerkt worden.
volledig onafhankelijk van paarden.
het meest geschikte paard voor alle omgang, waar zelfs de kleinste kinderen mee overweg kunnen.


37953 strmilov
Czech Republic


Private vendor
37853 Strmilov
Czech Republic

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Private vendor
37853 Strmilov
Czech Republic
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