German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (04/2024) Black in Fronhofen
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Fronhofener Fohlenmarkt 14.September 2024

Ad type: auction horse
Ad ID: 4204154
Online since: 06.09.2024
Ad views: 397
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The German Warmblood, also called German Sport Horse, is a very young breed of sport horses. It developed in 2003, when three German breeding associations decided to cooperate: Berlin-Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony-Thuringia. The exterior and interior of the German Warmblood resembles its pre ... More about the horse breed German Sport Horse
Foal (04/2024)
Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.


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M.: Spf. A erf. MM.: Spr. 1.20m erf., 4 sporterf. NK darunter Soleil du Coeur 4 v. Stalypso (Spr. 1.30m), Queen of Lightness v. Quintender (Spr. 1.60m, Phillip Weishaupt) MMM.: 7 sporterf. NK darunter Ronhia v. Rotarier (Spr. 1.40m), daraus Coronhio v. Comme il faut (Spr. 1.40m) , Dr. Love 2 v. Don Bedo I (Dr. M), Eon v. Ehrentanz I (Dr. M), Eylah v. Ehrentanz I (Spr. 1.20m), Gismo v. Goldstrand (Dr. M) Hann. Stamm: u.a. Bentley v. Bonheur (Dr. S), Daddy’s Pleasure v. Dinard L (Dr. S), Ragtime Joe v. Ritterorden (Dr. S), Goldika v. Golan (Spr. 1.30m)

MwSt. 9%
This text has been translated automatically.
M.: Spf. A erf. MM.: salto di 1,20 m con esperienza, 4 cavalli, tra cui Soleil du Coeur 4 di Stalypso (salto 1,30 m), Queen of Lightness di Quintender (salto 1,60 m, Phillip Weishaupt) MMM.: 7 cavalli, tra cui Ronhia di Rotarier (salto 1,40 m), da questo Coronhio di Comme il faut (salto 1,40 m), Dr. Love 2 di Don Bedo I (Dr. M), Eon di Ehrentanz I (Dr. M), Eylah di Comme il faut (Dr. M). Don Bedo I (Dr. M), Eon di Ehrentanz I (Dr. M), Eylah di Ehrentanz I (salto di 1,20 m), Gismo di Goldstrand (Dr. M) Hann. Stamm: incluso Bentley di Bonheur (Dr. S), Daddy's Pleasure di Dinard L (Dr. S), Ragtime Joe di Ritterorden (Dr. S), Goldika di Golan (salto di 1,30 m)

IVA 9%


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Arezzo VDLLa Luna
Chin ChinSarjolijnLast Man StandingAtlantis
Diamant De SemillyRoxette IEhrentanz IFlocke


Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg
72532 Gomadingen
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Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg
72532 Gomadingen
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