Furioso Stallion 3 years in Weikertschlag
Furioso Stallion 3 years in Weikertschlag
Furioso Stallion 3 years in Weikertschlag
Furioso Stallion 3 years in Weikertschlag
Furioso Stallion 3 years in Weikertschlag

Schöner Furioso

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4167857
Online since: 09.08.2024
Ad views: 1038
Add to wish list: 8
~ $1.314 Negotiable
Private vendor
3823 Weikertschlag
+43 (0)66... View All
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Further information

The Furioso horse breed is from Hungary but breeding also took place in Austria. This breed was strongly influenced by the horse called Nonius which has been improved and enriched by pure blood and horses of the Norfolk Roadster breed. The English Thoroughbred 'Furioso' and 'North Star' were two fam ... More about the horse breed Furioso
3 years


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Verkaufen wegen Zeitmangel unseren hübschen jungen Samson. 
Samson ist 3 Jahre alt und ein Furioso Hengst. 
Er ist noch nicht zugeritten aber sehr lernfähig.
Bei Interesse gerne unter 0664/5506474
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Selling our handsome young Samson due to lack of time.
Samson is 3 years old and a Furioso stallion.
He is not yet broken in but is very willing to learn.
If you are interested please call 0664/5506474
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Vendiamo il nostro bel giovane Sansone per mancanza di tempo.
Samson ha 3 anni ed è uno stallone Furioso.
Non è ancora rodato ma è molto disposto ad imparare.
Se siete interessati, chiamate il numero 0664/5506474.
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Sprzedaję naszego przystojnego młodego Samsona z powodu braku czasu.
Samson ma 3 lata i jest ogierem Furioso.
Nie jest jeszcze zajeżdżony, ale jest bardzo chętny do nauki.
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, zadzwoń 0664/5506474


Private vendor
3823 Weikertschlag

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3823 Weikertschlag
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