Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
Curly horse Stallion 3 years 14,2 hh Palomino in FRANCE
+7 Pictures


Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4083976
Online since: 06.06.2024
Ad views: 3241
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~ $5.964
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Further information

Curlies, also called Bashkir Curlies, American Bashkir Curly Horses and North American Curly Horses, come in all sizes, colors, and body types but all carry a gene for a unique curly coat of hair. In the past, Curlies were already very popular with various Native American tribes, what actually cause ... More about the horse breed Curly horse
3 years
14,2 hh
English Pleasure
Versatility Ranch Horse
with protection contract
is allrounder
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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CURLY Gerade: Glatt
Tafel 5/6: Negativ nach Abstammung

KRT 25: -/- SP6: -/-

Daten der letzten Impfung: GT: August 2023
Disziplinen Sprot/Freizeit - Verein oder Pferdetherapie

Mental (Note 8/10) und Verhalten in wenigen Worten:
- Ruhiges und sehr sanftes Pferd
- Aufmerksam bei der Arbeit
- Mag das Leben in einer Herde
Niveau der Arbeit des Pferdes:
- Gehen an der Hand
- Arbeit an der Longe im Dreierschritt
- Gib die Füße
- Steigt leicht in einen Transporter ein
- Beobachtungen: wird ein sehr angenehm zu reitendes Pferd sein


Gesundheitliche Aspekte - Besondere Aufmerksamkeiten:
- Keine bekannte Pathologie
CURLY Straight: Smooth
Panel 5/6: Negative by parentage

KRT 25: -/- SP6: -/-

Last vaccination dates: GT: August 2023 
Disciplines Sprot/Leisure - Club or equine therapy

Mental (score of 8/10) and behavior in a few words:
- Calm and very gentle horse
- Attentive at work
- Likes life in a herd
Horse's work level:
- Walk in hand
- Work in the lunge round at three paces
- Give your feet
- Get into a van easily
- Observations:  will make a very comfortable horse to ride


Sanitary point - Special attentions:
- No known pathology
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CURLY Straight : Lisse
Panneau 5/6 : Négatif par rapport à la filiation

KRT 25 : -/- SP6 : -/-

Dernières dates de vaccination : GT : août 2023
Disciplines Sprot/Loisirs - Club ou thérapie équine

Mental (note de 8/10) et comportement en quelques mots :
- Cheval calme et très doux
- Attentif au travail
- Aime la vie en troupeau
Niveau de travail du cheval :
- Marche en main
- Travail en rond de longe aux trois allures
- Donne ses pieds
- Monte facilement dans un van
- Observations : fera un cheval très confortable à monter

Pieds nus

Point sanitaire - Attentions particulières :
- Pas de pathologie connue
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CURLY Dritto: Liscio
Pannello 5/6: Negativo per parentela

KRT 25: -/- SP6: -/-

Date delle ultime vaccinazioni: GT: Agosto 2023
Discipline Sprot/Leisure - Club o terapia equina

Mentale (punteggio di 8/10) e comportamento in poche parole:
- Cavallo calmo e molto gentile
- Attento al lavoro
- Ama la vita in branco
Livello di lavoro del cavallo:
- Passeggiata in mano
- Lavoro in lunge round a tre passi
- Dare i piedi
- Entra facilmente in un furgone
- Osservazioni: sarà un cavallo molto comodo da cavalcare

Piedi d'appoggio

Punto sanitario - Attenzioni particolari:
- Nessuna patologia nota
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CURLY Recht: Glad
Paneel 5/6: Negatief door afstamming

KRT 25: -/- SP6: -/-

Laatste vaccinatiedata: GT: augustus 2023
Disciplines Sprot/Leisure - Club of paardentherapie

Mentaal (score van 8/10) en gedrag in een paar woorden:
- Rustig en zeer zachtaardig paard
- Aandachtig op het werk
- Houdt van het leven in een kudde
Werkniveau paard:
- Lopen aan de hand
- Werken aan de longe op drie passen
- Voeten geven
- Stapt gemakkelijk in een busje
- Opmerkingen: zal een zeer comfortabel paard zijn om te rijden


Sanitair punt - Speciale aandacht:
- Geen pathologie bekend


Stud farm / Stallion station

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