Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
Curly horse Stallion 1 year 13,2 hh in BE
+1 Pictures


Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4129766
Online since: 10.07.2024
Ad views: 1785
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~ $6.443
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Further information

Curlies, also called Bashkir Curlies, American Bashkir Curly Horses and North American Curly Horses, come in all sizes, colors, and body types but all carry a gene for a unique curly coat of hair. In the past, Curlies were already very popular with various Native American tribes, what actually cause ... More about the horse breed Curly horse
1 year
13,2 hh
English Pleasure
with protection contract
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Dieses CURLY Pony Silver Dapple Tobiano, ist eine echte Schönheit! Verfügbar in Belgien
Eingetragen bei ICHO und PPV (BE)
Er stammt aus einer berühmten Linie von Lockenponys, er kann seine Welt nur begeistern !
Seine ideale Größe als Großpony/Kleinpferd, er könnte für ein 140cm Zuchtprogramm interessant sein. Denken Sie an Ihre wachsenden Kinder!!

Seine Besitzerin sieht in ihm große sportliche Fähigkeiten, warum nicht... Aber auch der Job als Familienpony liegt ihm sehr gut.
This CURLY pony Silver Dapple Tobiano, is a real beauty ! Available in Belgium
Registrered ICHO and PPV (BE)
He comes from a famous line of curly pony, he can only delight his world !
His ideal size as a large pony/small horse, he could be interesting for a 140cm breeding program. Think about your growing children!!

His owner sees in him great sporting abilities why not... But the job of family pony also suited him very well.
This text has been translated automatically.
Ce poney CURLY Silver Dapple Tobiano, est une vraie beauté ! Disponible en Belgique
Enregistré ICHO et PPV (BE)
Issu d'une célèbre lignée de poneys frisés, il ne peut que ravir son monde !
Sa taille idéale en tant que grand poney/petit cheval, il pourrait être intéressant pour un programme d'élevage de 140cm. Pensez à vos enfants qui grandissent !

Son propriétaire voit en lui de grandes capacités sportives pourquoi pas... Mais le métier de poney de famille lui convient aussi très bien.


15000 BE


Stud farm / Stallion station

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Stud farm / Stallion station
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