Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
Connemara Mare 11 years 14,1 hh Gray in Les Ageux
+2 Pictures

Ponette D très pratique

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4166058
Online since: 07.08.2024
Ad views: 983
Add to wish list: 7
€10.000 to €15.000
~$10.650 to $15.975
Private vendor
60870 Brenouille
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Further information

A province in western Ireland called Connaught has produced the agile and talented Connemara pony. Wild ponies have lived over long periods in Ireland and evidence was found that different breeds, like Andalusian, Spanish, Barb and Arab horses were imported for mating with the native ponies. ... More about the horse breed Connemara
11 years
14,1 hh
Training level: 0.85m ~ Preliminary (2'9'')
Success: 0.85m ~ Preliminary (2'9'')
suitable as school horse/pony
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is easy to load
Suitable for children


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11-jähriges Pony, Größe D 1,45 m (nicht beschlagen), sehr praktisch, passt überall hin, nimmt gut mit, geht allein oder in Begleitung spazieren. Bereit für Springreiten P2 (80cm), hat bereits E2 (1m) absolviert, muss aber wieder auf diese Höhe gebracht werden.
Das Pony hat viel Kraft und ist sehr lieb.
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11-year-old Ponette, size D, 1.45 m (not shod), very practical, can go anywhere, boards well, rides alone or accompanied. Immediately ready for show jumping P2 (80cm), has already done E2 (1m) but needs to be brought up to these heights.
Strong and very gentle pony.
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Poni de 11 años talla D 1m45 (no herrado) muy practico, va a todas partes, sube bien, da paseos solo o acompañado. Listo para salto P2 (80cm), ya ha hecho E2 (1m) pero necesita volver a esas alturas.
Un pony fuerte y muy manso.
Ponette de 11 ans taille D 1m45 (pas ferrée) très pratique, passe partout, embarque bien part en balade seule ou accompagnée. Prête de suite pour CSO P2 (80cm) à déjà fait E2 (1m) mais à remettre sur ces hauteurs. 
Ponette qui a de la force et très gentille.
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Pony di 11 anni taglia D 1m45 (non ferrato) molto pratico, va ovunque, si imbarca bene, fa passeggiate da solo o accompagnato. Pronto per il salto ostacoli P2 (80cm), ha già fatto E2 (1m) ma ha bisogno di essere rimesso a quelle altezze.
Un pony forte e molto gentile.


Private vendor
60870 Brenouille

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60870 Brenouille
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