Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.
+13 Pictures

Fantastic Cottage of which part is vernacular, as built in local style and using local materials.

Ad type: Classified ads
Ad ID: 3799633
Online since: 10.10.2023
Ad views: 4948
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~ $255.606,00
Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel Ireland
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Clashdrumsmith in the Tipperary village of Emly is a very unique and wonderful home standing almost an acre at the village's outskirts. comfortable and homely cottage with equestrian facilities and two stables, with lighting and water connections, visible upon entry.

Highly suitable for animal lovers or homestead makers, this country home benefits from a huge level of nearby amenities.

With a separate annex across the yard from the house itself with lighting, water and central heating, this home would also be an ideal purchase for those working from home and hoping to leave the city and relax in the countryside. There are two small fields adjoining this property, one a grazing paddock and a separate all-weather paddock.

Internally, the home has been renovated in the last two years, and is turnkey.

With light filled accommodation in every room credited to new Velux windows on the roof which have been replaced in the last five years.

Each room has been carefully decorated in a modern ambient fashion, with no expense spared in creating the perfect living environment.

A new pressurised water system makes this home solar panel ready, potentially gaining a huge saving on energy costs year-round.

It could make an ideal winter hunting box as located in the middle of the world-renowned Scarteen hunt country and within easy distance of five other packs including The County Limerick Foxhounds Duhallows, County Tipperary Foxhounds, Limerick Harriers and Stonehall Harriers.

Property Features

-2 /3 Bedroom Home in Excellent Condition Throughout

-Standing on a 0.9 Acre Site

-Benefitting from Equestrian Facilities

-Separate Annex/Home Office in Yard with potential to -build out

-Modern and High-Quality Finish Throughout

-Bright and Spacious Living Conditions

-Oil Fired Central Heating

-On the Outskirts of Emly Village

-New septic tank

-Property located 10 mins drive from Limerick Junction train station - 1.5 hours from Dublin City Centre.

Price €240,000 Euro or £207,970 Sterling equivalent on day of sale.

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Clashdrumsmith in the Tipperary village of Emly is a very unique and wonderful home standing almost an acre at the village's outskirts. comfortable and homely cottage with equestrian facilities and two stables, with lighting and water connections, visible upon entry.

Highly suitable for animal lovers or homestead makers, this country home benefits from a huge level of nearby amenities.

With a separate annex across the yard from the house itself with lighting, water and central heating, this home would also be an ideal purchase for those working from home and hoping to leave the city and relax in the countryside. There are two small fields adjoining this property, one a grazing paddock and a separate all-weather paddock.

Internally, the home has been renovated in the last two years, and is turnkey.

With light filled accommodation in every room credited to new Velux windows on the roof, which have been replaced in the last five years.

Each room has been carefully decorated in a modern ambient fashion, with no expense spared in creating the perfect living environment.

A new pressurised water system makes this home solar panel ready, potentially gaining a huge saving on energy costs year-round.

It could make an ideal winter hunting box as located in the middle of the world-renowned Scarteen hunt country and within easy distance of five other packs including The County Limerick Foxhounds Duhallows, County Tipperary Foxhounds, Limerick Harriers and Stonehall Harriers.

Property Features

-2 /3 Bedroom Home in Excellent Condition Throughout

-Standing on a 0.9 Acre Site

-Benefitting from Equestrian Facilities

-Separate Annex/Home Office in Yard with potential to -build out

-Modern and High-Quality Finish Throughout

-Bright and Spacious Living Conditions

-Oil Fired Central Heating

-On the Outskirts of Emly Village

-New septic tank

-Property located 10 mins drive from Limerick Junction train station - 1.5 hours from Dublin City Centre.

Price €240,000 Euro or £207,970 Sterling equivalent on day of sale.

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Clashdrumsmith en el pueblo de Tipperary de Emly es una casa muy singular y maravillosa de casi un acre en las afueras del pueblo. Cómoda y acogedora casa de campo con instalaciones ecuestres y dos establos, con iluminación y conexiones de agua, visibles a la entrada.

Muy adecuada para los amantes de los animales o para los amantes de las granjas, esta casa de campo se beneficia de un enorme nivel de servicios cercanos.

Con un anexo separado a través del patio de la casa en sí con la iluminación, agua y calefacción central, esta casa también sería una compra ideal para aquellos que trabajan desde casa y con la esperanza de salir de la ciudad y relajarse en el campo. Hay dos pequeños campos adyacentes a esta propiedad, un prado de pastoreo y un prado separado para todo tipo de clima.

Internamente, la casa ha sido renovada en los últimos dos años, y es llave en mano.

Con un alojamiento lleno de luz en todas las habitaciones acreditado a las nuevas ventanas Velux en el techo que han sido sustituidos en los últimos cinco años.

Cada habitación ha sido cuidadosamente decorado en un ambiente moderno, sin reparar en gastos en la creación del entorno de vida perfecto.

Un nuevo sistema de agua a presión hace que esta casa de paneles solares listo, ganando potencialmente un gran ahorro en costes de energía durante todo el año.

Podría hacer una caja de caza de invierno ideal, ya que se encuentra en el centro del país Scarteen caza de renombre mundial y a poca distancia de otros cinco paquetes, incluyendo el Condado de Limerick Foxhounds Duhallows, Condado de Tipperary Foxhounds, Limerick Harriers y Stonehall Harriers.

Características de la propiedad

-2 /3 Dormitorio Casa en excelentes condiciones en todo

-Standing en un sitio de 0,9 acres

-Beneficiándose de las instalaciones ecuestres

-Anexo separado / Home Office en Yard con potencial para -build out

-Acabados modernos y de alta calidad en toda la casa

-Condiciones de vida amplias y luminosas

-Calefacción central de gasoil

-En las afueras de Emly Village

-Nueva fosa séptica

-Propiedad situada a 10 minutos en coche de la estación de tren de Limerick Junction - 1,5 horas del centro de Dublín.

Precio € 240.000 euros o £ 207.970 libras esterlinas equivalentes en el día de la venta.

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Clashdrumsmith dans le village d’Emly à Tipperary est une maison unique et merveilleuse qui s’élève sur près d’un acre à la périphérie du village. Chalet confortable et accueillant avec des installations équestres et deux écuries, avec éclairage et raccordements à l’eau, visibles à l’entrée.

Idéale pour les amoureux des animaux ou les fabricants de fermes, cette maison de campagne bénéficie d’un énorme niveau de commodités à proximité.

Avec une annexe séparée de l’autre côté de la cour de la maison elle-même avec éclairage, eau et chauffage central, cette maison serait également un achat idéal pour ceux qui travaillent à domicile et espèrent quitter la ville et se détendre à la campagne. Il y a deux petits champs attenants à cette propriété, l’un un pour les pâturages et l’autre pour les intempéries.

À l’intérieur, la maison a été rénovée au cours des deux dernières années et est clé en main.

Avec un logement baigné de lumière dans chaque chambre, grâce à de nouvelles fenêtres Velux sur le toit, qui ont été remplacées au cours des cinq dernières années.

Chaque chambre a été soigneusement décorée dans un style d’ambiance moderne, sans aucune dépense épargnée pour créer l’environnement de vie parfait.

Un nouveau système d’eau sous pression rend ce panneau solaire domestique prêt, ce qui permet de réaliser d’énormes économies sur les coûts énergétiques tout au long de l’année.

Il pourrait faire une boîte de chasse d’hiver idéale car situé au milieu du pays de chasse Scarteen de renommée mondiale et à proximité de cinq autres meutes, y compris les Foxhounds du comté de Limerick, les Duhallows, les Foxhounds du comté de Tipperary, les Limerick Harriers et les Stonehall Harriers.

Caractéristiques de la propriété

-Maison de 2 /3 chambres en excellent état

-Debout sur un site de 0,9 acre

-Bénéficier d’installations équestres

-Annexe séparée / bureau à domicile dans la cour avec possibilité de -construire

-Finition moderne et de haute qualité partout

-Des conditions de vie lumineuses et spacieuses

-Chauffage central au fioul

-À la périphérie d’Emly Village

-Nouvelle fosse septique

-Propriété située à 10 minutes en voiture de la gare de Limerick Junction - à 1,5 heure du centre-ville de Dublin.

Prix : 240 000 € ou l’équivalent de 207 970 £ sterling le jour de la vente.

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Clashdrumsmith nel villaggio di Emly nel Tipperary è una casa davvero unica e meravigliosa che si erge quasi un acro alla periferia del villaggio. Cottage confortevole e accogliente con strutture equestri e due scuderie, con illuminazione e allacciamenti idrici, visibili all'ingresso.

Molto adatta per gli amanti degli animali o per i produttori di fattorie, questa casa di campagna beneficia di un enorme livello di servizi nelle vicinanze.

Con un annesso separato dall'altra parte del cortile rispetto alla casa stessa con illuminazione, acqua e riscaldamento centralizzato, questa casa sarebbe anche un acquisto ideale per coloro che lavorano da casa e sperano di lasciare la città e rilassarsi in campagna. Ci sono due piccoli campi adiacenti a questa proprietà, uno un paddock per il pascolo e un paddock separato per tutte le stagioni.

Internamente, l'abitazione è stata ristrutturata negli ultimi due anni, ed è chiavi in mano.

Con una sistemazione piena di luce in ogni stanza accreditata alle nuove finestre Velux sul tetto, che sono state sostituite negli ultimi cinque anni.

Ogni camera è stata arredata con cura in modo moderno, senza badare a spese per creare l'ambiente di vita perfetto.

Un nuovo sistema di acqua pressurizzata rende questo pannello solare domestico pronto, ottenendo potenzialmente un enorme risparmio sui costi energetici tutto l'anno.

Potrebbe essere un box ideale per la caccia invernale in quanto si trova nel mezzo del paese di caccia di Scarteen, famoso in tutto il mondo, e a breve distanza da altri cinque branchi, tra cui The County Limerick Foxhounds Duhallows, County Tipperary Foxhounds, Limerick Harriers e Stonehall Harriers.

Caratteristiche della proprietà

-2 /3 camera da letto casa in ottime condizioni in tutto

-In piedi su un sito di 0,9 acri

-Beneficiare di strutture equestri

-Annesso separato/ufficio domestico in cortile con potenziale di -costruire

-Finitura moderna e di alta qualità in tutto

-Condizioni di vita luminose e spaziose

-Riscaldamento centralizzato a gasolio

-Alla periferia del villaggio di Emly

-Nuova fossa settica

-Proprietà situata a 10 minuti di auto dalla stazione ferroviaria di Limerick Junction - 1,5 ore dal centro di Dublino.

Prezzo € 240.000 Euro o £ 207.970 Sterline il giorno della vendita.

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Clashdrumsmith w wiosce Emly w Tipperary to wyjątkowy i wspaniały dom stojący na prawie akrze na obrzeżach wioski. Wygodny i przytulny domek z zapleczem jeździeckim i dwiema stajniami, z oświetleniem i przyłączami wody, widocznymi przy wejściu.

Doskonale nadaje się dla miłośników zwierząt lub twórców zagród, ten wiejski dom korzysta z ogromnego poziomu pobliskich udogodnień.

Z oddzielnym aneksem po drugiej stronie podwórka od samego domu z oświetleniem, wodą i centralnym ogrzewaniem, dom ten byłby również idealnym zakupem dla osób pracujących z domu i mających nadzieję na opuszczenie miasta i relaks na wsi. Do nieruchomości przylegają dwa małe pola, jedno pastwisko i oddzielne pastwisko na każdą pogodę.

Wewnątrz dom został odnowiony w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat i jest gotowy do zamieszkania.

Dzięki nowym oknom Velux na dachu, które zostały wymienione w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat, każdy pokój jest wypełniony światłem.

Każdy pokój został starannie urządzony w nowoczesnym stylu, nie szczędząc wydatków na stworzenie idealnego środowiska do życia.

Nowy system wody pod ciśnieniem sprawia, że ten dom jest gotowy na panele słoneczne, co może przynieść ogromne oszczędności na kosztach energii przez cały rok.

Może to być idealne miejsce na zimowe polowanie, ponieważ znajduje się w środku światowej sławy kraju łowieckiego Scarteen, w niewielkiej odległości od pięciu innych stad, w tym The County Limerick Foxhounds Duhallows, County Tipperary Foxhounds, Limerick Harriers i Stonehall Harriers.

Cechy nieruchomości

-Dom z 2/3 sypialniami w doskonałym stanie technicznym

-Stojący na działce o powierzchni 0,9 akra

-Korzyści z obiektów jeździeckich

-Oddzielny aneks / biuro domowe na podwórku z potencjałem do rozbudowy

-Nowoczesne i wysokiej jakości wykończenie w całym domu

-Jasne i przestronne warunki życia

-Centralne ogrzewanie opalane olejem

-Na obrzeżach wioski Emly

-Nowy szambo

-Nieruchomość położona 10 minut jazdy od stacji kolejowej Limerick Junction - 1,5 godziny od centrum Dublina.

Cena 240 000 euro lub 207 970 funtów szterlingów w dniu sprzedaży.



32240 Tipperary


Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel
We speak:

Further information

The founder of ‘Nagero Sport Horses’, Kerry O’Regan and her family have been involved in horses ‘for ever!’.

Kerry has been riding since the age of six and is now over 21+++! BHS and HSI qualified, Kerry has coached, taught, competed in show jumping, dressage and eventing, run yards and worked in racing for many years. Kerry still rides but rarely has time to compete anymore, although that is on the agenda time permitting. Passionate about retraining of racehorses and has always promoted their use as an all-round riding horse. She is also a registered social worker.

Emma is also BHS qualified and show jumping is her passion. Emma spent 3yrs training in 3 of Ireland’s top showjumping yards. She is great at producing young horses ready for the start of their careers. Emma has backed all of our home bred horses, from the age of 12.

Lucy has also ridden since before she could walk and is a mainstay of the business; running the yard and also uploads and edits all the photographs and graphics for the website and a million other jobs as well!

We sell for trusted vendors that we are confident describe their horses honestly. We also source horses for clients from all around the world and if we don’t have it on our lists of for sale horses then we can normally find it. We take time to make sure that horses and riders are a good fit, both for the welfare of the horse and the safety of the rider. We organise all shipping and transport for over seas buyers. We offer a bespoke service for potential purchasers and collect you from the airport and drop you back again in cases where someone doesn’t want to hire a car. Whether you buy or not we normally end up having some Irish craic!!

We now also have a stud farm in France where we are breeding Pre fusion with our Registered Irish Draught mares and our Armas line wonderful PRE stallion. Very excited about the progeny we are producing that are quality models with great brains.

If you don’t see what you want on our Horses for Sale page, still do get in touch as we have many horses on our list that we haven’t had time to upload yet. We look forward to hearing from you.

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V31 Listowel
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