Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting
Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting
Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting
Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting
Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting
Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting
Austrian Warmblood Mare 4 years 15,3 hh Chestnut-Red in Schöngumprechting



17 on wish list

Mädchentraum zum losreiten

~ $20.768
Verein der Warmblutpferdezüchter des Landes Salzburg
5201 Seekirchen Austria
Person in charge:
Michael Hager
Show phone number


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Further information

The Austrian Warmblood is not completely uniform built in its exterior as the breed was subject to changing fashions, whereupon several breeds have been imported from abroad. Those were Furioso, Nonius and Gidran, which were used in the military. In 1918, Austria and Hungary were separated fr ... More about the horse breed Austrian Warmblood
4 years
15,3 hh
Training level: E ~ Training Level
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Warmblutzucht in Österreich

suitable for beginners

is broken-in

is lunged

is worked on the ground

Reliable for trail riding

is easy to load

Halter accustomed

Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available


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Mit Unique Rouge dürfen wir eine kleine, schicke, kompakte Stute vorstellen, die zu gefallen weiß. 
Die "kleine U" - so wird sie bei uns liebevoll genannt - ist ein absoluter Mädchentraum. 
Sie ist sehr menschenbezogen und stets motiviert bei der Sache. Obwohl sie noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt, macht sie alles mit Auszeichnung mit!
Sie überzeugt durch ihre tolle Arbeitseinstellung, ist aufgeschlossen, will immer gefallen und alles richtig machen. 
Am Platz zeigt sie sich lernwillig, kopfklar und gelehrig. Auch ins Gelände geht sie schon brav. 

Wer ein Damenpferd für das Viereck oder eine Freundin fürs Leben sucht, ist bei ihr goldrichtig.

Info: sie ist erst seit Februar 2025 unter dem Sattel!
This text has been translated automatically.
Unique Rouge is a small, chic, compact mare that knows how to please.
Little U" - as we affectionately call her - is an absolute girl's dream.
She is very people-oriented and always motivated. Although she is still in her infancy, she does everything with distinction!
She impresses with her great attitude to work, is open-minded, always wants to please and do everything right.
In the arena, she is eager to learn, head on and teachable. She is also good in the field.

If you are looking for a lady horse for the arena or a friend for life, you've come to the right place.

Info: she has only been under saddle since February 2025!
This text has been translated automatically.
Unique Rouge è una cavalla piccola, elegante e compatta che sa come piacere.
La "piccola U", come la chiamiamo affettuosamente, è il sogno di ogni ragazza.
È molto orientata verso le persone e sempre motivata. Anche se è ancora agli inizi, fa tutto con distinzione!
Colpisce per la sua grande attitudine al lavoro, è aperta, vuole sempre piacere e fare tutto bene.
Nell'arena, è desiderosa di apprendere, è pronta e disponibile all'insegnamento. È brava anche in campo.

Se state cercando una cavalla per il dressage o un'amica per la vita, siete nel posto giusto.

Info: è sotto sella solo da febbraio 2025!


Dimaggio Black
Verein der Warmblutpferdezüchter des Landes Salzburg
5201 Seekirchen
Person in charge
Michael Hager

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Verein der Warmblutpferdezüchter des Landes Salzburg
5201 Seekirchen
Person in charge
Michael Hager

