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Elegance and Performance

~ $1.331 (Stud Fee)
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1461DR Zuidoostbeemster
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Most likely the Arab has evolved from the Tarpan in Libya, North Africa or Persia. The Arabian people themselves called this race “Kehilan”, which in Arabic means purebred or thoroughbred. The purity of the inheritance line of the Desert Arab was guarded: introducing a different breed was unthinkabl ... More about the horse breed Arabian horses

Elegance and Performance

9 years
16 hh
Training level: ZZ ~ 4th Level

Licensed stallion

Fresh Semen


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A Kanz of Kossack ist unser vielversprechender Hengst, geboren 2016 - 1,63m, von dem weltbekannten Kanz Albidayer (von Ajman Moniscione) aus unserer Elitestute Ariel (von Aja Shakakhan). Ein Kanz of Kossack hat bereits einen außergewöhnlichen Turnierrekord vorzuweisen: zweifacher nationaler Champion, Silber bei der Europameisterschaft der Züchter und viele weitere Goldmedaillen bei internationalen Schauen in Holland und Belgien! Er ist auch unter dem Sattel ausgebildet und zeigt ein extremes Talent für die Dressur, indem er bereits zwischen den Warmblutpferden auf Z-Dressur-Niveau gewonnen hat!

Ausstellungsergebnisse von A Kanz of Kossack:

- Bronzemedaille Champion Jährlingshengste, Tulip Cup, Int. B-Show, Ermelo, Holland 2017
- Goldmedaille Champion Jährlingsfohlen und BEST OF SHOW, Arabian Horse Weekend, Nat. Show, St. Oederode, Holland 2017
- Silbermedaille Champion Jährlingshengste (92,00 Punkte), AHO Breeders' Championship Europe, Chantilly, Frankreich 2017
- Goldmedaille Champion Jährlingshengstfohlen und Niederländisches Bestes gezüchtetes Pferd, Niederländische Meisterschaften, Ermelo, Holland 2017
- Top 5 Jährlingshengste, Arabian Futurity Europe, Aachen, Deutschland 2017
- Goldmedaille Champion Junior Colts, Europaschau, Brügge Arabian Horse Event, Belgien, 2018
- Goldmedaille Champion Junioren Hengstfohlen, Eurozone Cup, Exloo, Holland 2018
- Goldmedaille Champion Senior Stallions mit der höchsten Punktzahl der Show, Dutch Nationals, Exloo, Holland 2020
- WAHO-Trophy-Sieger 2023

Sportliche Ergebnisse von A Kanz of Kossack:

- Champion AVS Online Dressur Wettbewerb 2020/2021 - L1 Dressur Niveau
- Gesamtsieger AVS Online Dressurwettbewerb 2020/2021 mit einer Durchschnittsnote von 71,4%.
- Niederländischer Landesmeister L Dressur 2021
- Champion AVS Online Dressurwettbewerb 2021/2022 - M1 Dressur
- Gesamtsieger AVS Online Dressurwettbewerb 2021/2022 mit einer Durchschnittsnote von 70,8%.
- Prädikat Dressur
- ECAHO Niederländischer Nationaler Meister Dressur 2023 - Master Niveau
- Champion Hunter Pleasure - Internationale Leistungsklassen Belgien Nationals 2023
- Champion Classic Pleasure - Internationale Leistungsklassen Belgische Meisterschaften 2023
- Derzeit erfolgreich in der Z2-Dressur und qualifiziert für die ZZ-Leicht-Dressur bei den Warmblütern

Decktaxe für die Decksaison 2025: Euro 1.250,- ex. MWST.
(Zuchtgebühr für andere Rassen auf Anfrage)
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A Kanz of Kossack is our promising stallion, born in 2016 - 1.63m, by the world-known Kanz Albidayer (by Ajman Moniscione) out of our Elite mare Ariel (by Aja Shakakhan). A Kanz of Kossack already has an exceptional show record: Double National Champion, Silver at the European Breeders Championship, and many more Gold Medals at international shows in Holland and Belgium! He is also trained under the saddle and shows an extreme talent for the dressage, winning already between the warmblood horses at Z dressage level!

Show Results of A Kanz of Kossack:

- Bronze Medal Champion Yearling Colts, Tulip Cup, Int. B-show, Ermelo, Holland 2017
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts and BEST OF SHOW, Arabian Horse Weekend, Nat. Show, St. Oederode, Holland 2017
- Silver Medal Champion Yearling Colts (92.00 points), AHO Breeders' Championship Europe, Chantilly, France 2017
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts and Dutch Best Bred Horse, Dutch Nationals, Ermelo, Holland 2017
- Top 5 Yearling Colts, Arabian Futurity Europe, Aachen, Germany 2017
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts, European Show, Bruges Arabian Horse Event, Belgium, 2018
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts, Eurozone Cup, Exloo, Holland 2018
- Gold Medal Champion Senior Stallions with the highest score of the show, Dutch Nationals, Exloo, Holland 2020
- WAHO Trophy Winner 2023

Sport Results of A Kanz of Kossack:

- Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2020/2021 - L1 dressage level
- Overall Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2020/2021 with an average score of 71.4%.
- Dutch National Champion L Dressage 2021
- Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2021/2022 - M1 dressage level
- Overall Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2021/2022 with an average score of 70.8%
- Predicate Dressage
- ECAHO Dutch National Champion Dressage 2023 - Master level
- Champion Hunter Pleasure - International Performance Classes Belgium Nationals 2023
- Champion Classic Pleasure - International Performance Classes Belgium Nationals 2023
- Currently, successful competing at Z2 dressage level and qualified for the ZZ-light dressage level between the warmblood horses

Breeding fee for the 2025 breeding season: Euro 1.250,- ex. VAT
(breeding fee other breeds on request)
A Kanz of Kossack is our promising stallion, born in 2016 – 1.63m, by the world-known Kanz Albidayer (by Ajman Moniscione) out of our Elite mare Ariel (by Aja Shakakhan). A Kanz of Kossack has already an exceptional show record: Double National Champion, Silver at the European Breeders Championship, and many more Gold Medals at international shows in Holland and Belgium! He is also trained under the saddle and shows an extreme talent for the dressage, winning already between the warmblood horses at Z dressage level!

Show Results of  A Kanz of Kossack:

- Bronze Medal Champion Yearling Colts, Tulip Cup, Int. B-show, Ermelo, Holland 2017
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts and BEST OF SHOW, Arabian Horse Weekend, Nat. Show, St. Oederode, Holland 2017
- Silver Medal Champion Yearling Colts (92.00 points), AHO Breeders’ Championship Europe, Chantilly, France 2017
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts and Dutch Best Bred Horse, Dutch Nationals, Ermelo, Holland 2017
- Top 5 Yearling Colts, Arabian Futurity Europe, Aachen, Germany 2017
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts, European Show, Bruges Arabian Horse Event, Belgium, 2018
- Gold Medal Champion Junior Colts, Eurozone Cup, Exloo, Holland 2018
- Gold Medal Champion Senior Stallions with the highest score of the show, Dutch Nationals, Exloo, Holland 2020
- WAHO Trophy Winner 2023

Sport Results of  A Kanz of Kossack:

- Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2020/2021 – L1 dressage level
- Overall Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2020/2021 with an average score of 71.4%
- Dutch National Champion L Dressage 2021
- Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2021/2022 – M1 dressage level
- Overall Champion AVS Online Dressage Competition 2021/2022 with an average score of 70.8%
- Sport Predicate Dressage
- ECAHO Dutch National Champion Dressage 2023 – Master level
- Champion Hunter Pleasure – International Performance Classes Belgium Nationals 2023
- Champion Classic Pleasure – International Performance Classes Belgium Nationals 2023
- Currently, successful competing at Z2 dressage level and qualified for the ZZ-licht dressage level between the warmblood horses

Breeding fee for the 2025 breeding season: Euro 1.250,– ex. VAT
(breeding fee other breeds on request)


Private vendor
1461DR Zuidoostbeemster

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1461DR Zuidoostbeemster

