Appaloosa Gelding 3 years 15 hh Leopard-Piebald in French Lick
Appaloosa Gelding 3 years 15 hh Leopard-Piebald in French Lick
Appaloosa Gelding 3 years 15 hh Leopard-Piebald in French Lick
Appaloosa Gelding 3 years 15 hh Leopard-Piebald in French Lick
Appaloosa Gelding 3 years 15 hh Leopard-Piebald in French Lick
Appaloosa Gelding 3 years 15 hh Leopard-Piebald in French Lick

Big beautiful gelding

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4096612
Online since: 15.06.2024
Ad views: 1311
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$8.500 Negotiable
Private vendor
French Lick 47432
United States
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Further information

The Appaloosa is conspicuous by its coat pattern. It has spots, which are unmistakable and unique to the breed. Already 20,000 year old cave paintings show horses with such coloring. Many of the horses the conquistadores brought to the United States were spotted. In the 18th century, the hors ... More about the horse breed Appaloosa
3 years
15 hh
Appaloosa Horse Club USA


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This text has been translated automatically.
Ich reite ihn jetzt seit eineinhalb Jahren und er wird ein tolles Pferd sein, hat einen tollen Trab und eine super Schlaufe und wird ein großer Junge werden, wenn er fertig ist
I’ve been riding him for a year and a half now going to be a great horse has a great trot and a super loop going to be a big boy when done growing
This text has been translated automatically.
Jeżdżę na nim od półtora roku, będzie świetnym koniem, ma świetny kłus i super pętlę, będzie dużym chłopcem, gdy dorośnie.


French Lick 47432, Indiana
United States


Private vendor
French Lick 47432
United States

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Private vendor
French Lick 47432
United States
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