6 on wish list
Lieber Freizeitpartner
€2.500 to €5.000
~$2.663 to $5.325
Ad ID: 4340030
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 21.01.2025
Ad views: 1771
Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. evelyne wespe
via cavogno 6
via cavogno 6
22040 Anzano del parco
+41 (0)79... View AllMessage
Wish list
is a companion
is broken-in
is lunged
with protection contract
is incl. tack equipment
is worked on the ground
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Equine Passport available
No eczema
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- English
Sehr lieber Appaloosa Wallach sucht einen Lebensplatz. Pepe Sky wird täglich geriten und ist ein zuverlässiger Freizeitpartner. Er ist geländesicher und kennt diverse Westernlektionen. Wir wünschen uns für ihn ein neues zu Hause mit artgerechter Pferdehaltung und Pferdeverstand. Platz vor Preis
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Very dear Appaloosa gelding looking for a place to live. Pepe Sky is ridden daily and is a reliable leisure partner. He is confident off-road and knows various western lessons. We are looking for a new home for him with a horse-friendly attitude and a good understanding of horses. Place before price
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Il carissimo castrone Appaloosa sta cercando un posto dove vivere. Pepe Sky viene cavalcato quotidianamente ed è un partner affidabile per il tempo libero. È sicuro di sé in fuoristrada e conosce diverse lezioni di western. Cerchiamo per lui una nuova casa dove possa essere tenuto in modo adeguato alla sua specie e con una buona comprensione dei cavalli. Posto prima del prezzo
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Bardzo kochany wałach Appaloosa szuka miejsca do życia. Pepe Sky jest codziennie jeżdżony i jest niezawodnym partnerem rekreacyjnym. Jest pewny siebie w terenie i zna różne lekcje western. Szukamy dla niego nowego domu, w którym będzie mógł być trzymany w sposób odpowiedni dla jego gatunku i z dobrym zrozumieniem koni. Miejsce przed ceną

Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. evelyne wespe
via cavogno 6
22040 Anzano del parco
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Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. evelyne wespe
via cavogno 6
22040 Anzano del parco
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