Appaloosa Mix Gelding 10 years 15,2 hh Roan-Bay in eibar

5 on wish list

Caballo castrado de 10 años

€5.000 to €10.000
~$5.325 to $10.650
Private vendor
20600 eibar
+34 (0)60... View All


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Further information

The Appaloosa is conspicuous by its coat pattern. It has spots, which are unmistakable and unique to the breed. Already 20,000 year old cave paintings show horses with such coloring. Many of the horses the conquistadores brought to the United States were spotted. In the 18th century, the hors ... More about the horse breed Appaloosa
10 years
15,2 hh
Western allround

is a companion

Reliable for trail riding

is allrounder

is easy to load

Competition experience

Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

No eczema


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This text has been translated automatically.
Appaloosa fuchsfarbenes Fell mit schneeweißer Kruppe.
In der Rinderarbeit ausgebildetes Pferd, mit sehr guter Eignung für Kühe und Rancharbeit.
Sehr gutmütig und trittsicher, keine schlechten Gesten.
NICHT für Anfänger geeignet, ein gewisses Maß an Erfahrung des Reiters wird empfohlen.

Verkauft in voller Ausbildung mit aktuellem Impf- und Entwurmungsnachweis.
Frisch getestet.
Frei von Piroplasmose
Frei von genetischen Krankheiten
This text has been translated automatically.
Appaloosa chestnut coat with snowy rump.
Horse trained in cattle work, with very good aptitudes for cows and ranch work.
He has a lot of heart and confidence, he has no bad gestures.
NOT suitable for beginners, a certain level of experience is suggested for the rider.

Sold in full training with updated vaccination and deworming records.
Freshly tested.
Free of piroplasmosis
Free of genetic diseases
Capa castaña appaloosa con la grupa nevada.
Caballo entrenado en trabajo con ganado, com muy buenas aptitudes para las vacas y el trabajo de rancho. 
Mucho corazon y seguro, no tiene malos gestos.
NO apto para principiantes, se sugiere cierto nivel de experiencia para el jinete

Se vende en pleno entrenamiento con la cartilla de vacunaciones y desparasitaciones actualizada.
Analiticas recien realizadas
Libre de piroplasmosis
Libre de enfermedades genéticas
This text has been translated automatically.
Appaloosa à la robe alezane et à la croupe neigeuse.
Cheval dressé pour le travail du bétail, avec de très bonnes aptitudes pour les vaches et le travail au ranch.
Très bon cœur et sûr de lui, pas de mauvais gestes.
Ne convient pas aux débutants, un certain niveau d'expérience est suggéré pour le cavalier.

Vendu en formation complète avec carnet de vaccination et de vermifugation à jour.
Testé récemment.
Exempt de piroplasmose
Exempt de maladies génétiques
This text has been translated automatically.
Appaloosa dal manto castano con groppa nivea.
Cavallo addestrato al lavoro con il bestiame, con un'ottima attitudine al lavoro con le mucche e al ranch.
Ottimo cuore e passo sicuro, nessun gesto scorretto.
NON adatto ai principianti, si suggerisce un certo livello di esperienza per il cavaliere.

Venduto in pieno addestramento con documentazione aggiornata su vaccinazioni e sverminazioni.
Appena testato.
Esente da piroplasmosi
Esente da malattie genetiche


Private vendor
20600 eibar

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Private vendor
20600 eibar

