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Easy calm horse for Trail/Endurance/Hunting
~ $13.313 Negotiable
Ad ID: 4245513
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 12.10.2024
Ad views: 5725
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is broken-in
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier
Equine Passport available
No eczema
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Kmicic is a lovely calm and very easy going 4,5 yo gelding. He is by Emark - amazing black dressage polish stallion, compete in high level. Also many more best Anglo Arabian horses in the pedigree. Grandsire The Anglo Arab stallion All That Jazz was imported to Biddesden from Victoria in Australia as a colt. His sire is the Arab stallion SS City Lights who was bred in the USA and nearly 16 hands. His dam is Belingo, an Australian Thoroughbred by Saulingo. Jazz was always a tall colt with great scope to his stride. He has the softest and springiest of canters as all who have been lucky enough to ride him will attest. He was taken through the ranks to advanced level in British Eventing by William Fox-Pitt and went hunting for a season with the South and West Wilts. His foals have been successful in the show ring and have made a promising start in eventing, with their big strides and elegant steady head positions. Kmicic himself is an easy and calm horse, suitable for less experience rider. He works in arena and in the Land. Dogs, cats, cars,tractors etc. proof. Not too tall, round, comfortable to ride. Beautiful deep blackbrown color. E-Pass with full pedigree, dewormed, vaccinated etc. 100 % healthy, X rays available. 50 km from PL/D border. We can arrange the shipping WhatsApp + 48 513 179 245
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Kmicic is a lovely calm and very easy going 4,5 yo gelding. He is by Emark - amazing black dressage polish stallion, compete in high level. Also many more best Anglo Arabian horses in the pedigree. Grandsire The Anglo Arab stallion All That Jazz was imported to Biddesden from Victoria in Australia as a colt. His sire is the Arab stallion SS City Lights who was bred in the USA and nearly 16 hands. His dam is Belingo, an Australian Thoroughbred by Saulingo. Jazz was always a tall colt with great scope to his stride. He has the softest and springiest of canters as all who have been lucky enough to ride him will attest. He was taken through the ranks to advanced level in British Eventing by William Fox-Pitt and went hunting for a season with the South and West Wilts. His foals have been successful in the show ring and have made a promising start in eventing, with their big strides and elegant steady head positions. Kmicic himself is very very easy and calm horse. suitable for any rider including beginners due to his calmness and non rushing personality. He works in arena and in the country. Dogs, cats, cars, tractors etc. proof. Not too tall, round, comfortable to ride. Beautiful deep blackbrown color. E-Passport with full pedigree, dewormed, vaccinated etc. 100 % healthy, X rays available. 50 km from PL/D border. We can arrange the shipping WhatsApp + 48 513 179 245
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Kmicic es un encantador tranquilo y muy fácil ir 4,5 castrado y. Él es por Emark - increíble doma negro semental polaco, competir en alto nivel. También muchos más mejores caballos angloárabes en el pedigrí. Abuelo El semental angloárabe All That Jazz fue importado a Biddesden desde Victoria en Australia cuando era un potro. Su padre es el semental árabe SS City Lights, criado en EE.UU. y de casi 16 manos. Su madre es Belingo, una pura sangre australiana hija de Saulingo. Jazz siempre fue un potro alto con gran amplitud de paso. Tiene el galope más suave y elástico, como atestiguan todos los que han tenido la suerte de montarlo. William Fox-Pitt lo llevó hasta el nivel avanzado del British Eventing y fue a cazar una temporada con el South and West Wilts. Sus potros han triunfado en las pistas de exhibición y han tenido un comienzo prometedor en el concurso completo, con sus grandes zancadas y sus elegantes y firmes posiciones de la cabeza. Kmicic es un caballo muy fácil y tranquilo, adecuado para cualquier jinete, incluidos los principiantes. debido a su calma y personalidad no apresurada. Trabaja en pista y en el campo. A prueba de perros, gatos, coches, tractores, etc. Muy fácil de montar, sin corcoveos, descontrol, etc. No demasiado alto, redondo, cómodo de montar. Bonito color marrón oscuro. E-Pasaporte con pedigrí completo, desparasitados, vacunados, etc. 100% sano, radiografías disponibles. A 50 km de la frontera PL/D. Podemos organizar el envío WhatsApp + 48 513 179 245
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Kmicic est un beau cheval calme et très facile à monter de 4,5 ans. Il est par Emark - magnifique étalon noir de dressage polish, concourant en haut niveau. Aussi beaucoup d'autres meilleurs chevaux anglo-arabes dans le pedigree. Grandsire L'étalon anglo-arabe All That Jazz a été importé à Biddesden de Victoria en Australie en tant que colt. Son sire est l'étalon arabe SS City Lights qui a été élevé aux États-Unis et qui a près de 16 mains. Son étalon est Belingo, un Thoroughbred australien par Saulingo. Jazz a toujours été un grand colt avec une grande ouverture d'esprit. Il a le plus doux et le plus vif des canters, comme en témoignent tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de le monter. Il a été pris en main par William Fox-Pitt et a chassé pendant une saison avec les South et West Wilts. Ses foals ont été couronnés de succès dans le ring de présentation et ont fait des débuts prometteurs dans l'événement, avec leurs grandes foulées et leurs positions de tête élégantes et stables. Kmicic lui-même est un cheval facile et calme, adapté aux cavaliers peu expérimentés. Il travaille dans l'arène et à la campagne. Dogs, cats, cars, tractors etc. proof. Pas trop grand, rond, confortable à monter. Belle couleur brun-noir profond. E-Pass avec pedigree complet, dewormé, vacciné etc. 100 % en bonne santé, rayons X disponibles. 50 km de la frontière PL/D. Nous pouvons organiser le transport WhatsApp + 48 513 179 245
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Kmicic è un castrone di 4,5 anni molto calmo e tranquillo. È figlio di Emark, un fantastico stallone nero da dressage, che gareggia ad alto livello. Nel pedigree ci sono anche molti altri migliori cavalli anglo-arabi. Nonno Lo stallone anglo arabo All That Jazz è stato importato a Biddesden da Victoria in Australia come puledro. Il suo padre è lo stallone arabo SS City Lights, allevato negli Stati Uniti e di quasi 16 mani. La sua madre è Belingo, un purosangue australiano di Saulingo. Jazz è sempre stato un puledro alto con una grande ampiezza di passo. Ha il più morbido e scattante dei canter, come possono testimoniare tutti coloro che hanno avuto la fortuna di cavalcarlo. È stato portato a livello avanzato nel British Eventing da William Fox-Pitt ed è andato a caccia per una stagione con il South and West Wilts. I suoi puledri hanno avuto successo nel ring delle mostre e hanno avuto un inizio promettente nell'eventing, con le loro grandi falcate e le eleganti posizioni stabili della testa. Kmicic è un cavallo facile e tranquillo, adatto ai cavalieri meno esperti. Lavora in arena e in campagna. Cani, gatti, auto, trattori, ecc. sono a prova di cane. Non troppo alto, rotondo, comodo da cavalcare. Bellissimo colore marrone intenso. Passaporto elettronico con pedigree completo, sverminato, vaccinato ecc. Sano al 100%, radiografie disponibili. A 50 km dal confine PL/D. Possiamo organizzare la spedizione WhatsApp + 48 513 179 245
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Kmicic is een heerlijk rustige ruin van 4,5 jaar. Hij is een dochter van Emark - een fantastische zwarte dressuurhengst die op hoog niveau meedraait. Ook veel andere beste Anglo Arabische paarden in de stamboom. Grootvader De Anglo Arabische hengst All That Jazz werd als veulen geïmporteerd naar Biddesden vanuit Victoria in Australië. Zijn vader is de Arabische hengst SS City Lights die in de VS gefokt is en bijna 16 handen heeft. Zijn moeder is Belingo, een Australische volbloed van Saulingo. Jazz was altijd al een groot veulen met veel ruimte in zijn pas. Hij heeft de zachtste en meest verende galop, zoals iedereen die het geluk had hem te rijden kan beamen. Hij werd door William Fox-Pitt op gevorderd niveau uitgebracht in de Britse Eventing en ging een seizoen mee op jacht met de South and West Wilts. Zijn veulens zijn succesvol in de showring en hebben een veelbelovende start gemaakt in eventing, met hun grote passen en elegante, stabiele hoofdposities. Kmicic zelf is een heel makkelijk en rustig paard, geschikt voor elke ruiter, ook voor beginners. vanwege zijn kalmte en niet overhaaste persoonlijkheid. Hij werkt in de piste en op het land. Honden, katten, auto's, tractoren etc. zijn geen probleem. Niet te groot, rond, comfortabel te rijden. Mooie diep zwartbruine kleur. E-paspoort met volledige stamboom, ontwormd, gevaccineerd etc. 100 % gezond, röntgenfoto's beschikbaar. 50 km van PL/D grens. We kunnen de verzending regelen WhatsApp + 48 513 179 245
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Homepage: 4trailstable
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