Andalusian Stallion 13 years 16 hh Can be white in Granada
Andalusian Stallion 13 years 16 hh Can be white in Granada
Andalusian Stallion 13 years 16 hh Can be white in Granada
Andalusian Stallion 13 years 16 hh Can be white in Granada
Andalusian Stallion 13 years 16 hh Can be white in Granada
Andalusian Stallion 13 years 16 hh Can be white in Granada

Wonderful PRE Stallion, the Dream Horse I’d never sell

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4082218
Online since: 13.06.2024
Ad views: 2473
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~ $8.520 Negotiable
Private vendor
18800 Baza, Granada
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Further information

Andalusians which are originated from Spain are baroque horses. They in fact are called Pura Raza Espanola, brief PRE. They are worldwide known as a noble, robust, courageous and very towards people oriented breed. The name Andalusian applies to horses with foreign crossings by Thoroughbred or Arab ... More about the horse breed Andalusian
13 years
16 hh


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Wonderful PRE Stallion, the Dream Horse I’d never sell
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Due to economical circumstances, we're forced to sell the Love of our hearts. Only to a loving home. He is worth a lot more. So this is a one only opportunity.
He can do Paso Español and he's very strong but with the biggest heart a horse can have.
Call or text: +1 954-833-9393
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En raison de circonstances économiques, nous sommes contraints de vendre l'amour de nos cœurs. Seulement à un foyer aimant. Il vaut beaucoup plus. C'est donc une occasion unique.
Il peut faire le Paso Español et il est très fort mais avec le plus grand coeur qu'un cheval puisse avoir.
Appeler ou envoyer un message : +1 954-833-9393
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Door economische omstandigheden zijn we gedwongen de liefde van ons hart te verkopen. Alleen aan een liefdevol thuis. Hij is veel meer waard. Dus dit is een eenmalige kans.
Hij kan Paso Español en hij is erg sterk maar met het grootste hart dat een paard kan hebben.
Bel of sms: +1 954-833-9393
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Ze względów ekonomicznych jesteśmy zmuszeni sprzedać Miłość naszych serc. Tylko do kochającego domu. On jest wart dużo więcej. Więc jest to jedyna okazja.
Potrafi Paso Español i jest bardzo silny, ale ma największe serce, jakie może mieć koń.
Zadzwoń lub napisz: +1 954-833-9393
Due to economical circumstances, we’re forced to sell the Love of our hearts. Only to a loving home. He is worth a lot more. So this is a one only opportunity.
He can do Paso Español and he’s very strong but with the biggest heart a horse can have.
Call or text: +1 954-833-9393


11817 Granada


Private vendor
18800 Baza, Granada

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Private vendor
18800 Baza, Granada
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