American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 15,1 hh Roan-Blue in Bad Abbach



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Tolles, blue roan Quarter Horse Fohlen

~ $8.414 Negotiable
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Further information

The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, originally comes from the U.S. and is the most common horse breed in the world. Worldwide, there are approximately 4.6 million registered Quarter Horses. The breed originated in the 17th Century, as rich plantation owners from Virginia and ... More about the horse breed American Quarter Horse
Get A Blue Gun
Foal (05/2024)
15,1 hh


is allrounder

is easy to load

5 Panel Test N/N

Halter accustomed


Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available


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Get A Blue Gun - dieses hübsche QH Fohlen, geboren am 22.05.2024, beeindruckt mit seiner seltenen blue roan Farbe und wird voraussichtlich ein Endmaß von ca. 153?156 cm erreichen. Er ist korrekt gebaut, kompakt und super kräftig mit guter Bemuskelung. Elvis ist gesund und kennt bei Abgabe bereits den Tierarzt und Hufschmied. Das Fohlen wird altersentsprechend geimpft und regelmäßig entwurmt abgegeben. Er wächst artgerecht im Herdenverband mit anderen Fohlen auf und entwickelt einen lieben, verschmusten und coolen Charakter. Elvis wird täglich gehändelt und zeigt sich brav, unkompliziert und als guter Beweger. Mit einer soliden Reining/Allround-Abstammung ist Elvis sowohl für Sport, Turnier als auch Freizeit bestens geeignet. Sein Vater ist ein Hancock liniengezogener Quarter Horse Hengst, seine Mutter ist Chic Please gezogen. Er wird mit AQHA Papieren und Equidenpass abgegeben.
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Get A Blue Gun - this handsome QH foal, born on 22.05.2024, impresses with his rare blue roan color and is expected to reach a final height of approx. 153?156 cm. He is correctly built, compact and super strong with good muscling. Elvis is healthy and already knows the vet and farrier at the time of delivery. The foal will be vaccinated according to his age and regularly wormed. He will grow up in a herd with other foals and develop a loving, cuddly and cool character. Elvis is handled daily and is well-behaved, uncomplicated and a good mover. With a solid reining/all-round pedigree, Elvis is ideally suited for sport, competition and leisure. His sire is a Hancock line bred Quarter Horse stallion, his dam is Chic Please bred. He is sold with AQHA papers and an equine passport.
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Get A Blue Gun - questo bel puledro QH, nato il 22.05.2024, colpisce per il suo raro colore blu roano e dovrebbe raggiungere un'altezza finale di circa 153-156 cm. È costruito correttamente, compatto e molto forte con una buona muscolatura. Elvis è sano e conosce già il veterinario e il maniscalco al momento della consegna. Il puledro sarà vaccinato in base alla sua età e sverminato regolarmente. Crescerà in una mandria con altri puledri e svilupperà un carattere affettuoso, coccoloso e fresco. Elvis viene maneggiato quotidianamente ed è ben educato, non complicato e un buon compagno di movimento. Con un solido pedigree per l'addestramento e il lavoro a tutto tondo, Elvis è ideale per lo sport, le competizioni e il tempo libero. Il suo padre è uno stallone Quarter Horse di linea Hancock e la sua madre è allevata da Chic Please. Viene venduto con documenti AQHA e passaporto equino.
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Get A Blue Gun - ten przystojny źrebak QH, urodzony 22.05.2024 r., zachwyca rzadkim niebieskim umaszczeniem i oczekuje się, że osiągnie ostateczny wzrost ok. 153-156 cm. Jest prawidłowo zbudowany, zwarty i bardzo silny z dobrym umięśnieniem. Elvis jest zdrowy i zna już weterynarza i kowala w momencie dostawy. Źrebak będzie szczepiony stosownie do wieku i regularnie odrobaczany. Będzie dorastał w stadzie z innymi źrebakami i rozwinie kochający, milutki i fajny charakter. Elvis jest obsługiwany codziennie i jest dobrze wychowany, nieskomplikowany i dobrze się porusza. Dzięki solidnemu rodowodowi, Elvis idealnie nadaje się do sportu, zawodów i rekreacji. Jego ojcem jest ogier rasy Quarter Horse z linii Hancock, a matką klacz Chic Please. Jest sprzedawany z papierami AQHA i paszportem konia.


RL Tru Blue Lucky
CCQH LuckyJJ Saltys Blue Fury
Hancock BlueberryBurkeys True BlueLazy M Salty BlueValentine Bluespirit
Get Your Guns Annie
No Guns PleaseFigure Four Sequin
CHIC PLEASEKatie GunSnips Olympic GoldHowleys Frosty Girl


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