American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
American Quarter Horse Mare 1 year 15 hh Roan-Blue in Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
+3 Pictures

Blue Roan Stute

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4090454
Online since: 10.06.2024
Ad views: 2750
Add to wish list: 40
~ $11.183 Negotiable
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Further information

The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, originally comes from the U.S. and is the most common horse breed in the world. Worldwide, there are approximately 4.6 million registered Quarter Horses. The breed originated in the 17th Century, as rich plantation owners from Virginia and ... More about the horse breed American Quarter Horse
1 year
15 hh
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Zum Verkauf steht unsere Quarter Horse Stute MADGICMIDNIGHTBLUE. 

Sie wurde am 10.04.2023 geboren und wird voraussichtlich ein Stockmaß von 1,54m erreichen. Sie ist korrekt gebaut und besitzt einen tollen kräftigen Body. Charakterlich ist sie sehr sanftmütig und ist dem Menschen sehr zugewandt. 

Mütterlicherseits ist er sehr interessant gezogen, ihre Oma kommt direkt von der JAZ Ranch aus Amerika. 

Ihr Vater MCLittlebluedressed wurde Erfolgreich in Halter, Trail in Hand, Longline, Jungpferde Basis/Trail, Pleasure vorgestellt.
Unter anderem ist er mehrfacher Landesmeister, VizeEuropameister, Mehrfacher VizeFuturity Champion, Longline Champion, mehrfacher Futurity Halter Champion, High Point Champion, Reserve High Point Champion, Top Ten in der Weltrangliste, mehrfacher Finalist German Open, viele Siege, Platzierungen uvm.

Sie wächst im Herdenverband auf und wird mit den alltäglichen Situation des Alltags vertraut gemacht wie z.B. Aufhalftern, Anhänger fahren, Hufe heben und bürsten.
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Our Quarter Horse mare MADGICMIDNIGHTBLUE is for sale.

She was born on 10.04.2023 and is expected to reach a height of 1.54m. She is correctly built and has a great strong body. Her character is very gentle and she is very devoted to people.

He is very interestingly bred on his mother's side, her grandmother comes directly from the JAZ Ranch in America.

Her sire MCLittlebluedressed was successfully shown in Halter, Trail in Hand, Longline, Young Horse Basic/Trail, Pleasure.
Among other things, he is multiple National Champion, Vice European Champion, multiple Vice Futurity Champion, Longline Champion, multiple Futurity Halter Champion, High Point Champion, Reserve High Point Champion, Top Ten in the world rankings, multiple finalist German Open, many victories, placings and much more.

She grows up in the herd and is familiarized with everyday situations such as haltering, trailer driving, hoof lifting and brushing.
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La nostra cavalla Quarter Horse MADGICMIDNIGHTBLUE è in vendita.

È nata il 10.04.2023 e si prevede che raggiungerà un'altezza di 1,54 metri. È costruita correttamente e ha un corpo molto forte. Il suo carattere è molto gentile ed è molto devota alle persone.

Ha un allevamento molto interessante da parte della madre, la nonna proviene direttamente dal Ranch JAZ in America.

Il suo padre MCLittlebluedressed è stato esibito con successo in Halter, Trail in Hand, Longline, Young Horse Basis/Trail e Pleasure.
Tra le altre cose, è più volte Campione Nazionale, Vice Campione Europeo, più volte Vice Campione Futurity, Campione Longline, più volte Campione Futurity Halter, High Point Champion, Reserve High Point Champion, Top Ten nelle classifiche mondiali, più volte finalista al German Open, molte vittorie, piazzamenti e molto altro.

È cresciuta nell'allevamento e ha familiarizzato con situazioni quotidiane come la cavezza, la guida del rimorchio, il sollevamento degli zoccoli e la spazzolatura.






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